Measurement and Geometry
Based on the Australian Curriculum, Measurement and Geometry in Mathematics Year 5 includes:
- Plus Plan
3D Objects – Interactive PowerPoint Presentation
Explore the names and properties of a range of three-dimensional objects with this comprehensive interactive PowerPoint presentation.
- Plus Plan
Five Wonders Theme Park: Wonderful Expansion – Project
An engaging project that students can use to design their own additional theme for Five Wonders Theme Park.
- Plus Plan
Reflection, Translation, Rotation Poster
A visual poster examining the difference between reflection, translation and rotation.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter Practice Problems With Visuals – Worksheet
Download these perimeter practice problems to use when exploring measurement concepts in your maths lessons.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter and Area Digital Puzzles
Give students practice finding the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles with these digital area and perimeter puzzles.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Angles in Images Worksheets
Get your students using their protractors to measure acute, obtuse, right, straight and reflex angles with this set of differentiated angles worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Drawing and Constructing 3D Objects – Interactive Activity
Construct digital and physical nets of some common 3D objects with this hands-on digital learning activity.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Angles – Mystery Picture Worksheet
Find the measure of each angle and use the colour guide to reveal a mystery picture with this worksheet designed for year 5 students.
- Plus Plan
3D Object Astronaut Template
3D object nets to create an amazing astronaut!
- Plus Plan
Five Wonders Theme Park: Slither House Sketch – Project
An inquiry project that encourages students to research animals and their habitats and design a reptile house in a theme park.
- Plus Plan
International Holiday at Five Wonders Theme Park – Inquiry Project
A inquiry project where students study the Five Wonders Theme Park stimulus poster while inquiring about an international city.
- Plus Plan
3D Objects Maths Investigation - Make Me a Radical Robot!
Relate knowledge of 3D shapes to the real world with this student-led mathematics project.
- Plus Plan
Using Units of Measurement Worksheets - Year 5
6 using units of measurement worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Free Plan
Flip, Slide, Turn Poster
A visual poster examining the difference between flipping, sliding and turning a shape.
- Plus Plan
Area And Perimeter Word Problem Task Cards
Use these area and perimeter task cards in your maths lessons to give your students practice solving real-world word problems.
- Plus Plan
Converting Units of Length - Maths Mazes
Strengthen measurement conversion skills while converting units of length with this set of maths mazes.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter of Composite Shapes Worksheets
Use these perimeter of composite shapes worksheets in your maths lessons when teaching your students how to calculate more advanced perimeters.
- Plus Plan
Finding the Area of 2D Shapes Poster
Display this math poster showing the area formula for different 2D shapes during your space and measurement lessons.
- Plus Plan
3D Objects and Their Nets - Matching Game
Connect the names, models and nets of three-dimensional objects with this hands-on matching game.
- Plus Plan
3D Objects and Their Nets - Worksheet
Connect 3D objects with their nets and other 2D representations with this differentiated worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Mixed Perimeter Word Problems Worksheet
Use this perimeter word problems worksheet to give your students practice calculating the perimeter of shapes.
- Plus Plan
Five Wonders Theme Park: Token Night – Project
A project in which students use stimulus posters to plan the best evening at Five Wonders Theme Park within a given budget and time frame.
- Plus Plan
Five Wonders Theme Park: Takeout Takeover – Project
A project for students to create a menu and food truck model for Five Wonders Theme Park based on the Frida's Fiesta menu.
- Plus Plan
Five Wonders Theme Park: Flying Visit – Project
Students use their knowledge of maps, timetables and money to plan a well-timed 'flying' visit to Five Wonders Theme Park, between two connecting flights.
- Plus Plan
Year 5 Numeracy Exit Tickets
20 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Plus Plan
Five Wonders Theme Park – Stimulus Posters
A number of stimulus posters all themed around Five Wonders Theme Park.
- Plus Plan
3D Net Templates - Correct and Incorrect
Explore correct and incorrect representations of 3D object nets with this set of templates.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Word Search with Solution
A fun word search to help your students learn measurement vocabulary.
- Plus Plan
Transformation Poster and Worksheets
A poster and worksheets to teach children about transformations.
- Plus Plan
Coordinates Worksheet Pack
An 11-page worksheet pack teaching children about coordinates.
- Plus Plan
Estimating Units of Measure Worksheet Pack
Practise identifying and estimating appropriate units of measurement with a printable pack of Measurement Worksheets for upper years.
- Plus Plan
How Much Does It Measure? Interactive Measurement Game
Estimate the height, length, capacity, temperature and more with an engaging ‘How Much Does It Measure?’ Interactive Measurement Game.