When it comes to making art with kids, looking to famous artists can be a great inspiration for your classroom activities. Have you tried using Romero Britto as inspiration with your students yet?
We’ve got some colorful and fun art projects for kids that will let them make their own versions of Britto’s colorful works!
Who Is Romero Britto?
First off, a little art history is in order for your students. After all, they should know a little about the artist, shouldn’t they? Romero Britto is a Brazilian artist known for mixing pop art, cubism, and graffiti painting together to make colorful paintings. He’s also the artist best known for creating the Happy Art movement, a way to spread happiness throughout the world.
What Is the Happy Art Movement All About?
The Happy Art Movement is part of what makes Britto a perfect artist to use as inspiration for kids’ art projects. Found in 1992, Britto said his movement is “to inspire happiness, fun, love, and optimism around the globe through his unique art and vibrant colors.”
Being part of the movement is about helping “share happiness, love, optimism with people and places that need it the most!”
Romero Britto Art for Kids
A New Day Art Project
We looked at Romero Britto’s well-known piece A New Day and formed a set of instructions for how we would create our own versions of the picture for a fun art project that’s all about spreading happiness! The children then had to follow the step-by-step instructions to create the picture.
Here’s the original piece by Britto:
What you need:
- Paper
- Pencils
- Markers or crayons
And here are some of the pieces we created:

Romero Britto Inspired Letters
We also looked at Romero Britto artworks and brainstormed the different things we could see (e.g. bright colors, clashing of patterns). We then used these things to design our own Romero Britto-inspired artworks using the first letter of our first name.

What you need:
- Paper with an outline of the first initial of each student’s name
- Crayons or markers
Other Art Projects Inspired by Romero Britto
Looking for more ways to bring Britto’s colorful and zany works into the classroom?
Our funky art templates are perfect for letting kids go wild with bold colors and the thick black strokes Britto is known for. Check out our free funky pumpkin template:
Or give any of these funky art templates a try!

teaching resource
Funky Astronaut Craft Template
A fun craft activity using an astronaut with funky accessories.

teaching resource
Funky Sun - End of Year Craft Template
Get ready for the last day of school with a fun, customisable, Funky Sun end-of-year craft activity.

teaching resource
Funky Chicken Craft Template
A fun craft activity to do with your students to create a funky chicken.

teaching resource
Funky Snowman Craft Template
A fun winter craft activity for kids using a snowman template with accessories.
Thanks to Hannah Girling from @missgirlingsclassroom for these fantastic art ideas!
What are the step-by-step instructions for this project?
Hi there, the idea is that the students use the art piece - Romero Britto ‘A New Day’ Art Piece to then re-create their own art piece. The images in the blog are a great example to show your students.