Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
- Plus Plan
Sentence Trains - Sentence Building Activity
Teach your first graders about sentence types and punctuation with a fun Sentence Building Activity.
- Free Plan
Types of Sentences Flip Book
Create a helpful types of sentences flipbook with our Differentiated 4 Kinds of Sentences foldable graphic organizers.
- Plus Plan
Finish It! - End Punctuation Task Cards (1-2)
Practice adding end marks to sentences with a printable set of Punctuation Task Cards for 1st and 2nd graders.
- Plus Plan
Punctuation Worksheet Pack (1st-3rd)
Download our no-prep punctuation worksheets to help your students practice their skills with using a variety of punctuation marks.
- Free Plan
Statement, Question, Command, Exclamation – Cut and Paste Worksheet
Identify statement, command, question, and exclamation sentences with a Types of Sentences Cut and Paste worksheet for 2nd grade.
- Plus Plan
Months of the Year Playdough Mats
Use printable playdough mats to help your students learn to read and spell the months of the year.
- Plus Plan
Punctuation Pizza Cover-up Game
Practice recognizing and using end punctuation with this set of pizza game boards and pepperoni phrase cards with missing punctuation.
- Plus Plan
Spelling Suffixes Anchor Charts - Plurals
Help students understand when to apply the right plural spellings based on the ending of any word.
- Plus Plan
Punctuation & Sentence Types Worksheet Pack (1-2)
Identify the four types of sentences and their punctuation marks with a printable set of Punctuation & Sentence Type Worksheets for 1st and 2nd Grade.
- Plus Plan
Statement, Question, Command & Exclamation Sentences Teaching Slides
Introduce statement, command, question, and exclamation sentences with an interactive teaching slide deck.
- Free Plan
Spin and Spell - Months of the Year Worksheet
Spin and spell the months of the year with a printable spelling worksheet for 2nd Grade.
- Plus Plan
Days of the Week Spelling Worksheets
Use these Days of the Week Spelling worksheets to help your students practice reading, writing, and spelling the Days of the week.
- Plus Plan
Days of the Week Playdough Mats
Use playdough mats to help your students identify, sequence and spell the days of the week.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - R Blend Words
Introduce and explore words containing an initial r-blend with this extensive list of words.
- Plus Plan
Commas in Dates and Series - Google Slides Interactive Activity
Practice correct comma placement in dates and series with a Google Interactive Activity.
- Plus Plan
High Dollar Words Worksheet-Spelling Center
Develop spelling and mathematics skills simultaneously with a differentiated spelling and money math center activity.
- Plus Plan
Types of Sentences Sorting Worksheet
A cut and paste sorting worksheet to practice identifying the four types of sentences.
- Plus Plan
Capitalization for Beginners - Worksheet
Practice capitalizing the first letter of sentences and proper nouns with this 1-page worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Punctuation Parking Lot Game
Practice recognizing and using end punctuation with our set of punctuation cards and matching game board.
- Plus Plan
Capitalization Worksheet - Beginning of Sentences, Names, and Pronoun I
Identify and write correct capitalization in sentences with our capitalization practice worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Punctuation in a Pouch - End Punctuation Sorting Center
A fun, marsupial-themed activity to help your students with editing and punctuation.
- Plus Plan
Punctuation Puppets
A set of punctuation characters to cut out and use as puppets.
- Plus Plan
Everyday Grammar Sentence Structure Warm-Ups – Grades 1 and 2 Interactive PowerPoint
An engaging 40 slide interactive PowerPoint to use in the lower grades classroom when learning about sentence structure.
- Plus Plan
Everyday Grammar Capitalization and Punctuation Warm-Ups – Grades 1 and 2 Interactive PowerPoint
An engaging 44-slide interactive PowerPoint to use in the lower grades when learning about capitalization and punctuation.
- Plus Plan
Sentence Saga Literacy Activity (Silly Sentences)
A set of words and punctuation marks that are combined to make sentences.
- Plus Plan
Vowel Digraphs Poster Pack
A poster showing words and pictures for various vowel blends.
- Plus Plan
Statement, Question, Command, Exclamation – Poster
Discover the features of statement, question, command, and exclamation sentences with a printable Types of Sentences poster.
- Plus Plan
Types of Sentences - Sentence Strips Activity Pack
Use our Sentence Strips Activity pack to teach your students about statements, commands, questions, and exclamation sentences.
- Plus Plan
Statement, Question, Command and Exclamation Sentence Match-up Cards
Teach 1st and 2nd graders about the four types of sentences with a printable sentence types matching activity.
- Plus Plan
Sentence Types Quiz (1st Grade)
Assess your students ability to identify types of sentences and their matching punctuation with a printable Sentence Types Quiz for 1st grade.
- Plus Plan
Emoji-Sentence Sorting Activity (1-2)
Teach your students about statement, command, exclamation, and question sentences with our Emoji Sentence sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
5 Star Writing Poster and Bookmark Set
Share this 5 star writing poster and bookmark set with your students to remind them how to be "star" writers!