Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.
- Free Plan
Black History Profile: Shirley Chisholm - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on Congresswoman and first Black presidential candidate Shirley Chisholm, and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theater Script - That's Not My Pet
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theater Script - The Lion and the Mouse
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Read Across America Participation Certificates
A set of reading awards for participating in Read Across America.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Creepy Cat Club
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students in 4th grade or higher.
- Plus Plan
3rd Grade Reading Fluency Passages
Assess student fluency with a printable pack of reading fluency passages for 3rd grade.
- Plus Plan
Grade 3 Magazine - What's Buzzing? (Issue 1)
A beautifully designed, 24-page reading magazine specifically written for Grade 3 students.
- Free Plan
Back to School Today! Poem for Kids
Ease back-to-school jitters and launch your students into a love of poetry with a short poem for kids written just for the first day of school!
- Plus Plan
The Troll Poem and Task Cards
A poem and set of task cards about a Troll.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - The Three Little Pigs
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - The Three Bears
Build reading fluency and expressive reading with this reader's theater script.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Hansel and Gretel
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Solar Force Five
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students 8 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Carol Moseley Braun - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on Illinois Senator Carol Moseley Braun and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Thomas Mundy Peterson - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on history-maker Thomas Mundy Peterson and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Barack Obama - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on the first African American President of the United States, and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Plus Plan
Independent Reading Rubric (Middle Elementary)
A rubric to ascertain students reading phases.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - What's My Pet?
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Why Bears Have Stumpy Tails
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Three Billy Goats Gruff
A readers' theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Grandpa's Birthday Surprise
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Trouble at the Park
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Hare and the Tortoise
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Best in Show
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Rhyme Time
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students 8 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Perfect Parents
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students 8 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Triple Trouble
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students 8 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Josephine
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Foiled Robbery
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students 8 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Treasure Map
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students 8 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Pet Rescue
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students 8 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Radio Talk
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students 8 years and over.