Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
- Plus Plan
Giant Squid Reading Comprehension Worksheets - 5th Grade
Read and learn about the features and adaptations of the giant squid with reading comprehension worksheets for 5th grade.
- Plus Plan
Grade 5 Magazine - What's Buzzing? (Issue 1)
A beautifully designed, 24-page reading magazine specifically designed for Grade 5 students.
- Plus Plan
Inherited and Acquired Plant Traits - Reading Passage
Read and learn about inherited and acquired traits in plants with a printable reading comprehension passage and worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Amelia Boynton - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on civil rights activist Amelia Boynton and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Plus Plan
Inferences and Drawing Conclusions Anchor Chart
Use this poster to remind your students how to draw conclusions and make inferences from a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
The History of Electricity - Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Read to learn about the history of electricity with a pack of printable Reading Comprehension worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Human Histories: Amazing Achievements - Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a biographical text about four humans who have achieved great things.
- Plus Plan
Recalling Facts - Newspaper Worksheet
A worksheet to use when teaching students how to recall facts and details when reading.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - Tropical Cyclones
A comprehension activity about tropical cyclones.
- Plus Plan
Declaration of Independence - Comprehension Task
A comprehension task that encourages students to reflect on specific quotes from the Declaration of Independence.
- Plus Plan
Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion - Comprehension Task
A task to use when teaching your students reading comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Inference vs Prediction - Presentation
A teaching presentation outlining the similarities and differences between an inference and a prediction.
- Plus Plan
Great Barrier Reef - Comprehension and Note Taking Worksheet
Learn about The Great Barrier Reef with a comprehension and note-taking activity.
- Plus Plan
4th Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Superstitions
Learn about common superstitions and beliefs with a printable reading comprehension passage for 4th grade.
- Plus Plan
10 Fascinating Facts About the Sydney Harbour Bridge – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with an informational text about the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
- Plus Plan
Frida's Fiesta Stimulus – Task Cards
39 activity task cards based on the Frida's Fiesta Restaurant menu which is included.
- Plus Plan
Grade 5 Magazine - "What's Buzzing?" (Issue 1) Task Cards
A set of five literacy rotation task cards to be used in conjunction with issue 1 of Teach Starter's Grade 5 magazine.
- Plus Plan
QR Code Reading Comprehension Strategy Question Cubes
A set of QR code question cubes to use when working with reading comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Recalling Facts - Letter to the Editor Activity
A worksheet to use when teaching students how to recall facts and details when reading.
- Plus Plan
Recalling Facts - Comprehension Task
A task to use when teaching your students reading comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Inference or Prediction? Worksheet
A worksheet to use when teaching your students the difference between an inference and a prediction.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - MP3 Players and Your Hearing
A comprehension activity about "MP3 Players and Your Hearing".
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Task Cards - Recalling Facts And Details
A set of comprehension task cards to help students recall facts and details when reading.
- Plus Plan
Bloom's Taxonomy Question/Sentence Starter Cards
A set of reading question and sentence starter cards aligned with Bloom's Taxonomy.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Strategy Teaching Resource Pack - Draw Conclusions and Make Inferences
A comprehensive resource pack helping students draw conclusions and make inferences.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Strategy Teaching Resource Pack - Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion
A comprehensive resource pack to help students learn to distinguish between fact and opinion.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Strategy Teaching Resource Pack - Recalling Facts and Details
A comprehensive resource pack helping students learn how to recall facts and details.
- Plus Plan
September Homeschool Resource Pack - Grade 5
A collection of age-appropriate, Grade 5 teaching resources and activities for homeschool parents to use with their children during the month of September.
- Plus Plan
Introduction to Historical Recounts Unit Plan
This English unit has been designed to introduce the historical recount text type to older students; specifically, the purpose, structure and language features of factual historical recounts.
- Plus Plan
Historical Recounts - Literary vs Factual
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the difference between a literary historical recount and a factual historical recount.