Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to convey experiences and events.
- Plus Plan
MLK Day Task Cards
Challenge students to think about the work of Martin Luther King, Jr. with this set of 13 writing task cards.
- Free Plan
Find What Doesn’t Fit: Relevant Details Worksheet
Practice determining what details are relevant and irrelevant to a topic while providing a purposeful context.
- Plus Plan
Daily Writing Prompts Calendars - Upper Grades
Inspire your students and encourage them to write regularly with a set of printable Daily Writing Prompts in calendar format!
- Plus Plan
Comic Strip Templates
Download a comic strip template pack to inspire creative writing in your classroom!
- Plus Plan
Genre of the Month - Writing Prompt Grids (Upper)
Introduce your students to a variety of writing genres with our printable genre-specific writing prompt grids.
- Plus Plan
Roll to Create a Halloween Writing Prompt
Inspire some spooktacular Halloween writing with a roll-to-create Halloween Writing Prompt creator.
- Plus Plan
Roll to Create a Superhero Comic
A fun, hands-on activity using a die and a chart to create a comic strip story.
- Plus Plan
Descriptive Writing Poster
A poster outlining the main points and structure of a descriptive text.
- Plus Plan
Writing a Narrative - Template
A template to use when planning a narrative text.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Stimulus Wheels
5 writing wheels that provide stimulus ideas for narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Poster
A poster to encourage your students to think about narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint - Literary Paragraphs
A Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint presentation to use when setting up this writing strategy in your classroom.