Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers. For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in each of the equations 8 × ? = 48, 5 = _ ÷ 3, 6 × 6 = ?
- Plus Plan
Multiplication and Division - Which Operation Is It? – Interactive PowerPoint
An interactive 64-slide PowerPoint to use when learning to solve multiplication and division word problems.
- Plus Plan
Mental Math Multiplication Posters
Use this set of multiplication posters in your classroom when teaching different mental math strategies.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Five Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Four Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Three Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Two Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Mental Math Division Posters
Use this set of division posters in your classroom when teaching different mental math strategies.
- Plus Plan
Color by Factor - Worksheet
Solve missing factor equations and color a picture according to a color by number guide.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Number Pairs Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 26 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Number Sentence - Multiplication and Division
A set of 4 posters explaining the numbers involved a multiplication and division number sentence.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Ten Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Nine Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Eight Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Seven Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Six Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks Teaching Resource Pack - Grade 3
A collection of number talks teaching resources that support meaningful and highly engaging conversations in the mathematics classroom.