Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison, e.g., interpret 35 = 5 × 7 as a statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7 and 7 times as many as 5. Represent verbal statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts Bookmarks
A bookmark displaying multiplication facts 1 to 12.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Fourteen Times Tables
A 30-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Thirteen Times Tables
A 30-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Twelve Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Eleven Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Ten Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Nine Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Eight Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Seven Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Six Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Five Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Four Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Three Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - Two Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Facts PowerPoint - One Times Tables
A 28-slide PowerPoint to use when learning about multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Crazy Boxes – Multiplication Facts Teaching Resource Pack
A collection of fun multiplication worksheets where students create a color pattern using multiplication facts of 1 to 12.
- Plus Plan
Math Resource Pack for Parents - Multiplication and Division
A comprehensive resource pack for parents to help Grade 3 and Grade 4 children with multiplication and division.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication and Division Math Facts – Practice Worksheets
A comprehensive collection of worksheets to help students develop fast and accurate recall of their multiplication and division facts.