Expressions & Equations
- Free Plan
Order of Operations Worksheet
Solve equations using the order of operations with this one-page worksheet.
- Free Plan
Factor Trees Worksheet Set
Print a free factor trees worksheet set for 5th or 6th graders to practice prime factorization.
- Plus Plan
Evaluating Expressions – Match-Up Activity
Practice substituting values for variables while evaluating expressions with this match-up activity designed for 6th-grade students.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations – Instructional Slide Deck
Teach your students how to correctly evaluate numerical expressions by using the order of operations with this instructional slide deck.
- Free Plan
Order of Operations Dice Game
Practice order of operations with this set of 6 dice activity mats.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations Math Maze
Evaluate numerical expressions using the order of operations with this math maze!
- Plus Plan
Types of Graphs Posters
This colorful and easy-to-digest visual display shows students the varying data displays they will encounter in their elementary math lessons.
- Plus Plan
PEMDAS Anchor Chart and Bookmark Set
Use this PEMDAS anchor chart and bookmark set to remind your students about the correct order of operations.
- Plus Plan
5th Grade - Order of Operations Quiz
Assess your students' ability to write and evaluate numerical expressions by using the order of operations with this 5th grade math assessment.
- Free Plan
Blank Number Lines - Printable
Print a set of open number lines to help you teach a variety of math skills.
- Plus Plan
Writing Equations – Worksheet
Practice writing equations to represent a situation with this math worksheet designed for 6th-grade students.
- Plus Plan
Evaluating Expressions With Exponents – Worksheet
Practice evaluating expressions with exponents with this order of operations worksheet designed for 6th grade.
- Plus Plan
Understanding Exponents – Task Cards
Practice rewriting, comparing, and evaluating expressions with exponents with this set of task cards.
- Plus Plan
Writing Numerical Expressions – Google Slides Interactive Activity
Write and solve numerical expressions based on descriptions using a letter for the unknown quantity with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Evaluating Expressions With Exponents – Task Cards
Solve expressions with exponents by using the order of operations with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Writing Equations – Task Cards
Practice writing an equation with a variable to represent a situation with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Algebraic Expressions – Task Cards
Read, write, and solve algebraic expressions with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations Flipbook
Review how to solve numerical expressions using the order of operations with this printable flipbook.
- Plus Plan
Types of Graphs Posters and Worksheets
A collection of posters displaying the different types of graphs along with matching worksheets to assist students with laying out graphs on the page.
- Plus Plan
Writing Equations – Interactive Mystery Picture Reveal
Practice representing written statements as a single-variable equation with this self-checking interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
One-Step Equations (Addition & Subtraction) – Interactive Task Cards
Practice solving one-step equations by adding and subtracting whole numbers, decimals and fractions.
- Plus Plan
Writing Equations – I Have, Who Has? Game
Practice identifying word sentences for different equations with an exciting I Have, Who Has game.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations – Differentiated Bump Game
Use this set of Bump games to sharpen your students’ computation skills by using the order of operations to evaluate expressions.
- Plus Plan
One-Step Equations (Addition and Subtraction) – Board Game
Use addition and subtraction skills to solve one-step equations with a fun board game.
- Plus Plan
Evaluate Expressions (One Variable) – Mystery Picture Worksheet
Substitute values for variables and use your understanding of the order of operations to solve expressions with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Expressions With Exponents – Cut and Paste Message Reveal
Reveal a mystery message by applying the order of operations to solve expressions with exponents.
- Plus Plan
Evaluating Expressions – Paper Chain Activity
Use your understanding of the order of operations to evaluate expressions with one or two variables with this paper chain activity.
- Plus Plan
Writing Equations – Match Up Activity
Practice matching word sentences to equations with variables with this 36-card match-up activity.
- Plus Plan
Exponential Expressions – Match-Up Activity
Match numerical expressions with exponents to their expanded expressions and solutions with this match-up activity.
- Plus Plan
Algebraic Expressions – Google Slides Interactive Activity
Practice writing, reading, and solving algebraic expressions with this set of interactive activities.
- Plus Plan
Evaluating Expressions – Task Cards
Use this set of 24 task cards to practice evaluating expressions with a single variable.
- Plus Plan
One-Step Equations (Addition and Subtraction) – Math Mazes
Practice solving one-step equations with whole numbers, decimals, and mixed numbers while working through a set of 3 math mazes.