Key Ideas and Details
- Free Plan
Narrative Plot Structure - Story Mountain Template
Use a story mountain template to help your students write narrative stories.
- Free Plan
Free Character Traits List
Teach your students to analyze characters more effectively by providing them with a list of character traits.
- Free Plan
Design Your Own Book Cover Worksheet
Design a new book cover and summarise a book using this one-page, printable template.
- Free Plan
Making Predictions from Sentences Worksheets
Practice making predictions with sentences using this set of making predictions worksheets.
- Free Plan
S.W.B.S.T. Summarizing Graphic Organizer
Use this printable SWBST strategy graphic organizer with students to write a summary for a fictional piece of text.
- Free Plan
Character Development – Fakebook Page Worksheet
Use research and creative writing skills to design a social media profile for fiction or nonfiction persons.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Task Cards - Recognizing Cause And Effect
A set of comprehension task cards to help students recognize cause and effect when reading.
- Plus Plan
Literature Task Cards
A set of 30 literature tasks to assist your students with examining and responding to literature.
- Plus Plan
Predictions in Reading Comprehension Task
Help students to engage with prediction during reading with this predictions in reading comprehension task.
- Plus Plan
#SUMitUP Summarizing Activity
Summarize fictional text through this whole-class station activity.
- Plus Plan
4th Grade Writing Worksheets: Tornado Text-Based Writing
Enhance your students' comprehension, vocabulary, and writing skills using 4th Grade writing worksheets and a high-interest reading passage about Tornadoes.
- Free Plan
Comprehension - Pet Rescue
A fun script and set of questions to help students develop reading and comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Author's Purpose PowerPoint
Use this Author's Purpose PowerPoint to teach your students how to identify the author’s purpose in a text.
- Plus Plan
Short Stories for Making Predictions Task Cards
Explore the comprehension strategy of predicting using these short stories for making predictions task cards.
- Plus Plan
Character Profile Template Pack
Explore the personality, appearance, feelings and actions of a character with printable character profile templates.
- Plus Plan
R.A.C.E.S Writing Strategy Checklists & More
Help your students write quality constructed responses with printable R.A.C.E.S. writing checklists.
- Plus Plan
Inferencing Comics
Use this set of comic strips when teaching your students how to infer information from everyday situations.
- Plus Plan
Reading Comprehension Worksheets-King Midas and the Golden Touch Google Interactive and Printable Resources
Review and practice multiple reading skills using the text “King Midas and the Golden Touch” with these digital and print resources.
- Plus Plan
Digital Warriors: Social Footprints – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a comic about being safe when sharing photos on digital platforms.
- Plus Plan
Character Traits Graphic Organizer
Describe the most notable mental and moral qualities of a real or fictional person.
- Free Plan
Sensory Chart Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer for students to use when categorizing sensory details.
- Free Plan
Comprehension - That's Not My Pet
A fun script and set of questions to help students develop reading and comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Paired Passage Worksheets - Thunderstorms (3-4)
Use paired passages to help your student practice applying reading comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
R.A.C.E.S. Writing Strategy Bulletin Board Display
Help your students write quality constructed responses by displaying your printable R.A.C.E.S. Writing Strategy bulletin board display.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Fiction Poster Set
Help students remember what to include in a summary of a fiction text with this easy to use SWBST acronym.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Teaching Slides
Teach students all about summarizing with 15 teaching slides of summarizing goodness.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Fiction Slide Deck
Build summarizing skills with fiction texts using these teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
Inferences and Drawing Conclusions Anchor Chart
Use this poster to remind your students how to draw conclusions and make inferences from a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Task Cards - Identifying Author's Purpose
Help students identify the author's purpose when reading with this set of comprehension task cards.
- Plus Plan
Ruby Bridges – Comprehension Task
Review our profile on 6-year-old civil rights figure Ruby Bridges, and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Plus Plan
Character Analysis: New Year's Activity
Practice inferring how a character would ring in the new year with this 7-activity booklet.
- Plus Plan
Novel Study – Character Map Worksheet
Explore and analyze the characters in your class novel with this set of three worksheets.