Art Teaching Resources
- Plus Plan
Funky Elf Craft Template
Make your Christmas crafts a bit more funky with our Funky Elf coloring page and craft template.
- Plus Plan
Curious Creature – Whole-Class Art Activity
A collaborative whole-class art activity to create a curious creature.
- Plus Plan
Tiger Finish the Drawing Activity for Lunar New Year
Use this fun finish the drawing tiger worksheet to help your students explore Lunar New Year in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Infinity Coloring Sheet Template
An infinity coloring template that can be stuck together like a magical puzzle.
- Plus Plan
Origami Box Step-By-Step Instructions
A visual instruction page to use when creating an origami box.
- Plus Plan
What's My Color? - Matchup Activity
Use this resource in the primary classroom when learning and reinforcing colors.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Line PowerPoint - Lower Years
A 22-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating line in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Line PowerPoint - Middle Years
A 29-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating line in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Line PowerPoint - Upper Years
A 28-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating line in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Marvelous Monochrome Activity
A fun art activity to experiment with the use of monochromatic color.
- Plus Plan
Funky Alpaca Craft Template
Teach about Zentangle art patterns with a fun (an funky) printable alpaca template for teachers.
- Plus Plan
What's in a Color? Sorting Activity
A fun sorting activity for students to explore interpretation of color in visual art.
- Plus Plan
Pattern to Picture Activity
A fun art activity to experiment with the use of line and pattern.
- Plus Plan
Artistic Movements Teaching Presentation – Cubism
A 44-slide editable PowerPoint template exploring the famous artists and signature artistic techniques of the Cubist movement.
- Plus Plan
Art Gallery Name Tag Template
A name template to use when displaying students artwork.
- Plus Plan
Learning Primary and Secondary Colors – Craft Activity
A painting craft activity to help students learn about primary and secondary colors.
- Plus Plan
Zany Hairstyle Template
A fun art activity where a drawing needs to be completed.
- Plus Plan
Spiderweb Plates – Craft Activity
Use a fun spiderweb craft activity to bring spider fun into your classroom this Halloween.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Shape and Form PowerPoint - Middle Years
A 27-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating shape and form in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Space PowerPoint - Upper Years
A 28-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating space in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Texture PowerPoint - Upper Years
A 26-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating texture in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Designing for Depth Drawing Templates
A fun art activity to explore the creation of depth in two-dimensional work.
- Plus Plan
My Crazy Clay Critter Activity
A fun art activity to explore shape and form in a three-dimensional work.
- Plus Plan
Line and Feelings Sorting Activity - Upper Elementary
A fun sorting activity for students to explore interpretation of line in visual art.
- Plus Plan
Cubism Guitar – Template
A paper craft template of a Cubism style guitar.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Shape and Form PowerPoint - Upper Years
A 25-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating shape and form in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Texture PowerPoint - Middle Years
A 28-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating texture in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Talkin' Texture Game
A fun game to play when learning about texture.
- Plus Plan
Human Histories: Amazing Artists – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a magazine article about four amazing artists.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Shape PowerPoint - Lower Years
A 19-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating shape in Visual Art.
- Free Plan
Color Matchup – Worksheet
An activity for students to match colors with black and white settings.
- Plus Plan
My Garden Grows Activity
A fun art activity to explore organic shape.