Dictionary Skills Teaching Resources
Help students build dictionary skills with printable worksheets, activities and more teaching resources that will help students build their understanding of guide words, dictionary searches, alphabetical order and myriad other elements of this important resource tool!
This curriculum-aligned resource collection was created by teachers for teachers to save you time on your lesson plans with editable options to help with differentiation of instruction for your individual learners.
New to teaching this part of the ELA curriculum or just looking for fresh ideas to engage your learners? Read on for a primer from our teacher team!
What Are Dictionary Skills?
We're talking about the dictionary, so we might as well start with a definition! The term dictionary skills refers to students' ability to effectively and efficiently use a dictionary to look up words, understand their definitions and find information related to those words.
The skills that students typically learn include:
- Knowing How to Find a Word — In order to effectively use this reference tool in school and out, students need to know how to navigate a dictionary to find a specific word, whether it is through alphabetical order, word roots or prefixes, or other search methods.
- Understanding Definitions — This skill includes not just being able to comprehend the meaning of a word based on its definition but also knowing how to interpret different types of definitions, such as synonyms, antonyms, and examples.
- Identifying Parts of Speech — Being able to identify the part of speech of a word — noun, verb, adjective, etc. — is important in understanding its usage and context.
- Using Pronunciation Symbols — Many dictionaries include symbols to indicate how to pronounce a word. Understanding and using these symbols correctly can help students with their pronunciation skills.
- Finding Related Words — Dictionaries often provide information on related words, such as synonyms, antonyms, and word families, all of which students should be able to find. This comes in handy for expanding vocabulary and improving writing skills.
How to Teach Dictionary Skills
When it comes to actually teaching dictionary skills, you may hear from students that they don't need this. After all, definitions are available at their fingertips online. But there's still plenty of value in teaching these skills with a physical book in addition to the digital dictionary versions.
Here are some tips from our teacher team on using both types of dictionaries to ensure your students will have these skills to last them a lifetime!
Teach Dictionary Features
Part of learning to navigate a dictionary and get the most out of this handy tool is understanding all the different features, including
- Entry words
- Guide words
- Definition
- Pronunciation symbols
- Part of speech labels
- Usage notes
- Word origin/etymology
- Cross-references (such as related words, synonyms, or antonyms)
Encourage Independent Dictionary Use
When students ask what a word means or how to spell a word, encouraging them to turn to the classroom dictionary is a good way to get them used to using this tool on a regular basis.
Make It Fun
It's no secret that gamification makes learning more engaging. Dictionary bingo, dictionary scavenger hunts, dictionary relay races ... there are countless ways to make this reference tool "cool."
Teach Students How to Use Online Dictionaries
Online dictionaries offer a lot of value, but students need to know how to find good sources for definitions, and how to navigate these sites. Make it a point to model how to use these tools effectively to find information about words.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Skills Worksheet Pack
Consolidate your students’ knowledge of dictionary skills with this complete worksheet pack!
- Free Plan
Dictionary Guide Words Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to work out what guide words go with each of these words found in the dictionary.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Skills Task Cards - Set 1
A set of 12 task cards to practice various dictionary skills.
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Dictionary Entry Instructional Slide Deck
Learn about the different parts of a dictionary with this Instruction Slide Deck.
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Dictionary Poster Pack
Display this poster set in the classroom when learning dictionary skills and the parts of a dictionary.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Definition Matchup
A set of 20 word cards for students to match to their definition.
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Dictionary Entry Flipbook
Learn and practice dictionary skills with this Parts of a Dictionary Entry Flipbook.
- Plus Plan
Interactive Vocabulary Notebook - Upper Grades
Use an Interactive Vocabulary Notebook to help your students demonstrate and review a variety of vocabulary concepts.
- Plus Plan
Halloween Nouns - Using a Dictionary Worksheet
Practice using a dictionary to define nouns with a spooky Halloween printable worksheet!
- Plus Plan
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots - Dictionary Hunt Worksheet
Investigate the meanings of prefixes, suffixes, and root words with a dictionary hunt worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Dictionary Poster and Bookmark
Learn about the parts of a dictionary with this poster and bookmark combo.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Skills Task Cards - Set 2
Practice dictionary skills with this set of task cards.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Skills Bookmarks
Learn how to use a dictionary and use these bookmarks to help!
- Plus Plan
Working With Guide Words Worksheet
A worksheet pack to practice using guide words in the dictionary.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Detectives Worksheets
Hunt for guide words and page numbers to practice dictionary skills with these dictionary worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Skills Google Slides Interactive Activity
Practice dictionary skills with this engaging interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Entry Cut and Paste Worksheet
Practice identifying the parts of a dictionary entry with this cut-and-paste worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Sorting Game
Get students in the habit of researching with our dictionary activity that helps learners match a word to its definition and part of speech.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Dig Activity Cards
Practice dictionary skills with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Find It! - Dictionary Scavenger Hunt Worksheets
Practice dictionary skills with this set of 5 scavenger hunt-style worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Guide Words Instructional Slide Deck
Learn how to use guide words to find words in a dictionary with this Instructional Slide Deck.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Mystery Scoot Game
Practice dictionary skills with your students with this active game.
- Plus Plan
Gumball Guide Words Worksheet
Practice identifying words within guide words from a dictionary with this fun gumball-themed worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Skills - Guide Words Sorting Mats
Practice using guide words in a dictionary with this popcorn-themed sorting activity.