English Language Arts Games for Teachers
- Plus Plan
Alphabet Bingo Upper and Lowercase Recognition
Give students the opportunity to practice the recognition of lowercase and uppercase letters with this set of alphabet bingo cards.
- Plus Plan
Digital Informative Paragraph Writing Prompts
Build your students’ writing skills with a set of digital informative paragraph writing prompts.
- Plus Plan
Onset and Rime Race Board Game
Explore different onset and rime words with this fun and engaging race to the finish onset and rime game board.
- Plus Plan
Onset and Rime Short E Interactive
Practice onset and rime words that contain the short E vowel sound with this interactive activity for the early years classroom.
- Plus Plan
Sight Word Splash Game
Use this collaborative partner game to allow your students to practice reading and writing some of the most common high-frequency words.
- Plus Plan
Quotation Punctuation Interactive Game
Make learning about quotation marks more exciting with an Interactive Quotation Marks Punctuation Game!
- Plus Plan
Similes Matching Game
Use this similes game to introduce your students to some of the most common similes used in the English language.
- Plus Plan
I Have, Who Has? Verb Card Game
Play a fun and exciting game that is great for students who are now learning how to identify action verbs.
- Plus Plan
Action Verbs Dominoes
Practice recognizing and using action verbs with a set of 28 dominoes.
- Plus Plan
Past, Present, and Future Verb Tenses Game
Get your students thinking in the past, present, and future with this board game that pairs fun with verb tense practice.
- Plus Plan
Present and Past Tense Regular Verbs Matchup Cards
Learn about simple present tense and simple past tense of regular verbs with this match up activity.
- Plus Plan
Soup, Salad, or Sandwich? Game - Interactive Icebreaker
Play the Soup, Salad, or Sandwich? Game for an exciting Back-to-School Icebreaker activity!
- Plus Plan
Compound Words Roll and Read Game
Roll and read compound words with a pair of printable Compound Words Roll and Read Partner Games!
- Plus Plan
Compound Nouns for Kids - Puzzle Pop Game
‘Pop’ in a bit of extra practice with compound words with a fun set of Noun Compound Word Puzzle Pops!
- Plus Plan
Vowel Digraph Cover Up Game
Practice vowel teams with your students with this set of three fun partner cover up games.
- Plus Plan
Exaggeration and Hyperbole Interactive Activity
Explore hyperbole examples with your students using this digital game perfect for lesson warm-ups or lesson wrap-ups.
- Plus Plan
Subordinating Conjunctions (for Conditions) Interactive Activity
Use this interactive digital activity to help students identify conditional subordinating conjunctions, and construct sentences using this part of speech.
- Plus Plan
Subordinating Conjunctions Board Game
Use this set of 24 task cards to help students practice identifying and constructing sentences using subordinating conjunctions.
- Plus Plan
Consonant Digraph SH Interactive Activity
Engage students in practicing their learning around the consonant digraph of ‘sh’ with this fun beach-themed interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Consonant Digraph TH Interactive Activity
Engage students in practicing their learning around the consonant digraph of ‘th’ with this fun sloth-themed interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Consonant Digraph CK Interactive Activity
Engage students in practicing their learning around the consonant digraph of ‘ck’ with this fun rock climbing-themed interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Consonant Digraph PH Interactive Activity
Engage students in practicing their learning around the consonant digraph of ‘ph’ with this fun ocean-themed interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Vowel Team Dominoes - EE, EA, and EY
Decode words with ee, ea, and ey vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds using this set of 26 dominoes.
- Plus Plan
Design a Donut Persuasive Writing Interactive
Explore persuasive writing with this fun donut-themed interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Halloween Prepositions Interactive Game
Use this interactive Halloween preposition game to review some spooky grammar skills.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Writing Interactive (Design Your Own Pizza)
Explore persuasive writing with this fun pizza-themed interactive activity.
- Free Plan
Digraph Coding Robot Mat
Practice identifying digraphs with the help of a coding robot and mat.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Nonfiction Interactive Activity
Help your students easily summarize nonfiction text with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Main Idea and Details in Nonfiction - Interactive Activity
Help your students easily find the main idea and support details in a nonfiction text with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Rainbow Affixes - Prefix and Suffix Game
Define words with prefixes and suffixes with a self-checking interactive game!
- Plus Plan
Frog Hop Suffixes - Interactive Grammar Review
Review knowledge of suffixes with a fun frog-themed Google Slides Interactive review activity.
- Plus Plan
Break the Code - Phoneme Segmentation Interactive Activity
Practice breaking words into their phonemes with this fun robot-themed interactive activity.