Life Science Teaching Resources
- Plus Plan
A Look Inside The Human Body – Teaching Resource Pack
A 45 page Resource Pack about the human body and the impacts of exercise and healthy eating.
- Plus Plan
Wet and Dry Environments Word Wall Vocabulary
48 wet and dry environment vocabulary word wall cards.
- Plus Plan
Living vs Nonliving Things - Sorting Activity
Sort biotic vs. abiotic things and discuss their characteristics with a hands-on living and nonliving things picture sort.
- Plus Plan
Life Cycle of a Fly Poster
A poster showing the life cycle of a fly.
- Plus Plan
Respiratory System Posters
A set of posters to use in the classroom when learning about the respiratory system.
- Plus Plan
Rainforest Layers - Poster
A poster that explains the layers of a rainforest.
- Plus Plan
Grasshopper Life Cycle - Blank Template
A blank grasshopper life cycle template to use in the classroom when learning about minibeasts.
- Plus Plan
What is an X-ray? - Poster
A poster to display in the classroom when learning about x-rays.
- Plus Plan
Muscular System Posters
A posters to display in the classroom when learning about the muscular system.
- Plus Plan
Circulatory and Cardiovascular System Poster
A poster to display in the classroom when learning about the circulatory and cardiovascular system.
- Plus Plan
The Oxygen Cycle - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to sequence the steps of the oxygen cycle.
- Plus Plan
Pets and Their Needs - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to identify the four basic needs of living things.
- Plus Plan
Amphibians vs Reptiles Worksheet Pack
Compare Amphibians vs. Reptiles and their characteristics with our printable animal comparison worksheets.
- Plus Plan
The Natural Environment of South America PowerPoint
A 17-slide editable PowerPoint template to use when introducing students to the climate, vegetation, and animals of South America.
- Plus Plan
World Wildlife Day Poster
A poster to display in the classroom for World Wildlife Day.
- Plus Plan
Fly Life Cycle Sort Activity
Help your students concrete their understanding of the fly life cycle with this interactive game.
- Plus Plan
Scarlet Macaw Endangered Animal Poster
A poster showing information regarding the status of scarlet macaws.
- Plus Plan
Wildlife Conservation Vocabulary Words
Help your students build academic vocabulary skills surrounding animal and wildlife conservation with a printable word wall.
- Plus Plan
Parts of an Animal Cell - Blank
Use this worksheet to highlight the different parts of an animal cell.
- Plus Plan
Parts of an Animal Cell Poster BW
Use this poster to highlight the different parts of an animal cell.
- Plus Plan
How We Grow and Change - Sequencing Activity
A sequencing activity to use when learning about growth and change.
- Plus Plan
Sequencing Life Cycles Worksheet
An activity for students to use when learning about life cycles.
- Plus Plan
Silkworm 'Lift the Flap' Life Stages Template
An activity for students to use when learning about life stages.
- Plus Plan
A Look Inside the Human Body - Title Poster
A poster to use on your human body display board.
- Plus Plan
Eggs-ellent Dominoes
Identify egg-laying animal offspring by matching different eggs to their respective animals.
- Plus Plan
Silkworm Life Cycle Sort
Help your students concrete their understanding of silkworm life cycles with this interactive game.
- Plus Plan
Silkworm Life Cycle Poster
An educational poster displaying the life cycle stages of a silkworm.
- Plus Plan
Celebrity Bug Head Game
A fun game to play when learning about the external features of living things.
- Plus Plan
Living Things and Their Needs Display Banner
A classroom display banner to use on your 'Living Things and Their Needs' display board.
- Plus Plan
Animal Fact File Worksheet
An animal fact file for students to complete when learning about a variety of animals.
- Plus Plan
Male, Female, Baby, and Group Animal Names- Posters
5 pages of posters with animal names.
- Plus Plan
Tundra PowerPoint
An 11-slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about tundras.
- Life Science Worksheets
- Life Science Posters
- Life Science Templates
- Life Science Games
- Life Science Word Walls
- Life Science Projects
- Life Science for Pre-K
- Life Science for Kindergarten
- Life Science for 1st Grade
- Life Science for 2nd Grade
- Life Science for 3rd Grade
- Life Science for 4th Grade
- Life Science for 5th Grade
- Life Science for 6th Grade
- Life Science for 7th Grade