Personal and Community Health Teaching Resources for 1st Grade
- Plus Plan
Wash Your Germs Away Hygiene Poster
A set of posters highlighting the correct way to wash your hands to avoid spreading germs.
- Plus Plan
If You Need to Sneeze Hygiene Poster
A set of posters highlighting the correct way to sneeze to avoid spreading germs.
- Plus Plan
Germs Are Not for Sharing Hygiene Poster
A set of posters highlighting correct personal hygiene to avoid spreading germs.
- Plus Plan
Personal and Social Capability - Self-awareness Badges
A selection of 7 students badges that celebrate student success in the area of self-awareness.
- Plus Plan
How to Brush Your Teeth - Poster
A poster explaining the proper way to brush your teeth.
- Free Plan
Skeletal and Circulatory System Posters for Young Children
A set of posters for young children showing the skeletal and circulatory systems.
- Plus Plan
Vegetables - Spanish Language Poster
A poster to use in the classroom when teaching names of common vegetables in Spanish.
- Plus Plan
Healthy Food Cork Borders
Brighten up your cork boards with this Healthy Food Cork Board Border.
- Plus Plan
Human Body Classroom Welcome Sign
A human body themed welcome sign and accompanying name tags to display on the front door of your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Hygiene Poster - Germs Are Not for Sharing
Display this poster when discussing personal hygiene with your students.
- Plus Plan
Hygiene Poster - Sneezing and Coughing
A poster to visually remind students to cough and sneeze into their elbows.
- Plus Plan
Refugee Day Teaching Presentation
A 14 page teaching presentation on World Refugee Day.
- Plus Plan
Healthy and Unhealthy Food Choices Worksheets
Use this worksheet to help your students to identify healthy and unhealthy foods.
- Plus Plan
A Look Inside the Human Body - Title Poster
A poster to use on your human body display board.
- Plus Plan
Health Display Banner
A classroom display banner to use on your 'Health' display board.
- Plus Plan
Nutrition Display Banner
A classroom display banner to use on your 'Nutrition' display board.
- Plus Plan
Benefits of Sleep Poster
A poster examining what happens when you sleep, the benefits of good sleep and healthy sleeping patterns.
- Plus Plan
Naming Fruit and Vegetables Worksheet
A worksheet that helps students to identify the names of different fruits and vegetables.
- Plus Plan
Food Choices Sorting Activity
A sorting activity to help students recognize healthy and unhealthy foods.
- Plus Plan
Lost Tooth Chart and Poster
A simple Lost Tooth Chart and poster to display at home or school.
- Plus Plan
Tree Height Chart
A set of pages to create a tree ruler for your students to measure themselves.
- Plus Plan
Human Body - Tray Labels
A set of six human body themed tray labels.
- Plus Plan
Healthy Eating - Eat Well Guide Poster
Use this guide to help you achieve a healthy, balanced diet.
- Plus Plan
Leisure and Recreation - Weekly Timetable
A weekly schedule for students to plan their school and leisure time.
- Plus Plan
Healthy Eating Teaching Resource Pack
A Teaching Resource Pack about nutrition and healthy eating.
Quick + Simple Mindfulness Activities for Kids in the Classroom
Check out these mindfulness activities for kids that can work in a classroom setting. They take just 5 to 10 minutes a day for social and emotional learning!
The Hidden Benefits of Teaching Mindfulness for Students (And Teachers)
Why teach mindfulness in schools? Exactly how does teaching mindfulness improve student learning? Take a look at the proven benefits!
Age-Appropriate Books That Teach Kids About Consent and Body Boundaries
These age-appropriate children's books help teachers teach kids about body safety, good touch bad touch, consent, and body boundaries.
- Personal and Community Health for Pre-K
- Personal and Community Health for Kindergarten
- Personal and Community Health for 1st Grade
- Personal and Community Health for 2nd Grade
- Personal and Community Health for 3rd Grade
- Personal and Community Health for 4th Grade
- Personal and Community Health for 5th Grade
- Personal and Community Health for 6th Grade
- Personal and Community Health for 7th Grade