Reading Comprehension Posters for Teachers
- Free Plan
Character Anchor Charts - Traits, Feelings, and Appearances
A set of 3 posters depicting words and phrases that can be used to describe a character traits, feelings and appearance.
- Plus Plan
Visual Literacy Techniques Poster Pack
Teach your students how to uncover hidden meanings in images with this vibrant set of Visual Literacy Technique Posters!
- Plus Plan
Factual Recount Text Type Poster - With Annotations
A poster about the factual recount text type, including an annotated example.
- Free Plan
Reading Fix-Up Strategies Anchor Chart
Support your students in becoming confident, independent readers with this Fix-Up Strategies Anchor Chart!
- Plus Plan
Making Predictions Anchor Chart Pack
Support student learning with these Making Predictions Anchor Charts explaining when and how to make predictions.
- Plus Plan
Explanation Text Type Poster With Annotations
Display this explanation text with annotations to help students identify the structure of an explanation.
- Plus Plan
Find the Main Idea Anchor Chart
Highlight how to find the main idea when reading a piece of text with this main idea poster.
- Plus Plan
Story Elements Anchor Charts - Sloth-Themed Posters
Display these cute sloth-themed story elements anchor charts when learning about narrative texts.
- Free Plan
Author's Purpose Anchor Chart
A poster highlighting the three main reasons an author writes a piece of text - to persuade, to inform, to entertain.
- Plus Plan
Find Word Meaning in Context Poster
A poster highlighting how to find word meaning in context when reading a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
Monitoring Comprehension Strategies Text Annotations Poster
Help students monitor their comprehension with this Monitoring Comprehension Reading Strategy using text annotations.
- Plus Plan
Monitoring Comprehension Anchor Charts
Display these Monitoring Comprehension Anchor Charts to help students with sentence starters and ways to monitor their comprehension while reading.
- Free Plan
Free Monitor and Clarify Anchor Chart
Display and remind students to monitor and clarify their comprehension of a text while reading with this Monitor and Clarify Anchor Chart.
- Plus Plan
Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Sources Poster Pack
Introduce your students to examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources of information with a printable set of anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Opinion Text Structure Anchor Chart With Annotations
Display this Opinion text with annotations to help students identify the structure of this type of text.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Fiction Poster Set
Help students remember what to include in a summary of a fiction text with this easy to use SWBST acronym.
- Plus Plan
Inferences and Drawing Conclusions Anchor Chart
Use this poster to remind your students how to draw conclusions and make inferences from a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
5 Finger Retell Classroom Posters
Guide students through the 5 finger retell process with this set of classroom posters and individual student guide.
- Plus Plan
Character Traits Anchor Charts
Remind your students about the difference between external and internal character traits with this set of three classroom anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Main Idea and Supporting Details Posters
Display this set of posters to assist in the teaching and learning of the main idea and supporting detail while reading.
- Plus Plan
Main Idea and Details Anchor Chart
Print a main idea anchor chart for primary grades to build skills in identifying main idea and details in nonfiction texts.
- Plus Plan
Reading Comprehension Strategies Anchor Charts
Provide young readers with concrete examples of reading strategies with a set of 18 ready-made reading anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Visualize Poster
A poster highlighting how to visualize when reading a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
Interpret Figurative Language Poster
Provide students with a visual reminder of the types of figurative language with this classroom display poster.
- Plus Plan
Reading Detectives Resource Pack
A 16-page resource pack including 8 detective roles to assign to students during book clubs or reading group sessions.
- Plus Plan
Recognize Cause and Effect Poster
A poster highlighting how to recognize cause and effect when reading a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
Figurative Language Anchor Charts
Display the types of figurative language with a set of printable figurative language anchor chars.
- Plus Plan
Monitor Understanding Anchor Chart
Assist students with monitoring for understanding when reading a piece of text using this anchor chart.
- Plus Plan
Click or Clunk Strategy Poster and Desk Mat
Explore the click and clunk reading strategy with your students using this poster and desk mat set.
- Plus Plan
Beginning, Middle and End of Story Poster Set
Remind students of the elements that make up the beginning, middle and end of a story with this set of three posters.
- Plus Plan
Three Levels of Reading Posters
Teach your students to read beyond the lines, between the lines and on the lines with a set of printable 3 Levels of Reading posters.
- Plus Plan
Text Type Structure Poster Display Pack
Display these posters in your room as a visual reminder of the structure of a variety of text types.