Scientific Method Teaching Resources for 3rd Grade
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Inquiry Project - Template
A diverse template to help students craft inquiry questions to produce different types of research projects.
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Science Experiment Recording Sheet
A recording sheet to use when completing a Science experiment.
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Scientific Method Worksheet - Vocabulary Match
Use a Scientific Method Worksheet to review key science experiment vocabulary words.
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Scientific Method Word Wall Vocabulary
Introduce your students to vocabulary surrounding the Scientific Method with a printable science word wall.
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Starting a Scientific Investigation Worksheet
Help students begin the process of a scientific investigation with an introduction to the scientific method activity sheet.
- Plus Plan
Design a Fair Test - Differentiated Experimental Design Worksheets
Use a differentiated experimental design worksheet to introduce your students to the concept of fair testing in science.
- Plus Plan
Science Lab Report Template
Use a Science Lab Report Template to help your students organize their findings in any scientific method lab experiment.
- Plus Plan
Scientific Method Bulletin Board Set
Use a Scientific Method Bulletin Board set to introduce your students to the steps in the scientific process.
- Plus Plan
Scientific Method Flip Book Template
Create a Scientific Method Flip Book to record scientific predictions, observations, and conclusions with a printable science flip book template.
- Plus Plan
Making a Prediction in Science Worksheets (Differentiated)
Introduce your students to making predictions in science with a set of differentiated Scientific Prediction Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
PowerPoint on the Scientific Method - Thinking Like a Scientist
Introduce your students to the scientific process with an interactive PowerPoint on the scientific method.
- Plus Plan
Experimental Design Worksheet - Scientific Method Cut and Paste
Sequence the steps in the scientific method with a pair of differentiated Experimental Design Worksheets.
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Exploring the Scientific Method Teaching Slides - Lower Grades
Complete your introductory scientific method lesson plan with a ready-made Scientific Method Teaching Presentation!
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What is a Fair Test? Teaching Slides - 3rd and 4th Grade
Teach your 3rd and 4th graders about fair tests in science with an engaging 'What is a Fair Test? Teaching Slide Presentation.
- Plus Plan
Scientific Method Crossword Puzzle
Use a Scientific Method crossword puzzle to review key vocabulary words surrounding science inquiry.
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The Scientific Method Anchor Chart - Upper Grades
Teach the seven steps in the scientific process with a printable Scientific Method Anchor Chart
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Scientific Investigation Process – Posters
Remind your students of the steps to the scientific investigation process with this set of 7 posters.
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Predict and Prove – Template
A template to help introduce making a hypothesis before starting an investigation.
- Plus Plan
How to Write an Inquiry Question Poster
A poster demonstrating the steps involved in formulating a question for inquiry-based learning.
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Freedom of Choice PowerPoint - Developing Scientific Lines of Questioning
A teaching presentation discussing the development of scientific lines of questioning.
- Plus Plan
What is a Fair Test? (3-4)
Fun Sound Experiments for Kids to Add to Your Sound Energy Lessons
These sound experiments for kids offer hands-on learning for elementary schoolers to learn about sound waves, pitch, and more!