Vowels Teaching Resources for 1st Grade
- Plus Plan
Final 'e' Board Game - I_E
Practice decoding final -e conventions for representing the long 'i' vowel sound with our board game and set of word cards.
- Plus Plan
Magic E Wand and Word Cards
Create a crafty phonics activity to explore the power of the magic e in CVCe words.
- Plus Plan
Long A Word List
Introduce and explore words containing letter combinations that make the “long a” sound with this printable long A word list.
- Plus Plan
Phoneme Spotter Story – Long 'e' Sound
A decodable text featuring various graphemes that make the long 'e' sound.
- Plus Plan
My Magic E Story - Silent E Words Mini-Book
Practice reading and writing sentences with silent e words with this magic e-mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Differentiating Long and Short Vowels - Interactive PowerPoint
Practice differentiating between long and short vowel sounds with this interactive PowerPoint.
- Plus Plan
Short Vowels or BUST! Card Game
This phonological awareness activity awards points for correctly identifying the words with short vowel sounds.
- Plus Plan
Phoneme Spotter Story – Long 'a' Sound
A decodable text featuring various graphemes that make the long 'a' sound.
- Plus Plan
Learn to Read Short E - Daily Phonics for Kids
Teach your students to read short /e/ CVC words with a daily digital phonics instructional slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Move It! - Long and Short Vowel 'I' PowerPoint Game
An active PowerPoint game to practice reading and identifying long and short vowel ‘i’ words.
- Plus Plan
Move It! - Long and Short Vowel 'E' PowerPoint Game
An active PowerPoint game to practice reading and identifying long and short vowel ‘e’ words.
- Plus Plan
Phoneme Spotter Story – Long 'u' Sound
A decodable text featuring various graphemes that make the long 'u' sound.
- Plus Plan
Phoneme Spotter Story – Long 'o' Sound
A decodable text featuring various graphemes that make the long 'o' sound.
- Plus Plan
Phoneme Spotter Story – Long 'i' Sound
A decodable text featuring various graphemes that make the long 'i' sound.
- Plus Plan
EA Vowel Team Bingo Game
Practice decoding words that include the EA long /e/ vowel team sound with this BINGO game for up to 20 players.
- Plus Plan
Color By Vowel Sound (Winter Worksheet for Kindergarten & 1st Grade)
Use a "cool" color by vowel sound worksheet to bring a bit of Winter into the classroom this season.
- Plus Plan
Long Vowel Words - Long A Word Search
Explore words containing some of the most common “long a” vowel teams with this set of differentiated word searches.
- Plus Plan
Spring Short and Long Vowel Sort
Practice distinguishing short and long vowels with a Spring-themed short and long vowel sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Gingerbread Vowels - Printable Vowels Worksheets
Use coloring and Christmas to engage your students with printable long and short vowel worksheets like these!
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - Long Vowels
Introduce and explore words containing graphemes that make long vowel sounds with this extensive list of words.
- Plus Plan
Words With Y as a Vowel - Word List
Introduce and explore words containing the letter “y” making a vowel sound with this y vowel word list.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - Long E Words
Explore and practice the many ways to spell the long E sound with a list of 50 long E words.
- Plus Plan
Long U Words - Printable Word List
Introduce and explore words containing graphemes that make the “long u” sound with this extensive list of words.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - Long O Words
Introduce and explore words containing graphemes that make the “long o” sound with this extensive list of words.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - Long I Words
Introduce and explore words containing spelling patterns that make the “long i” sound with this long I words list.
- Plus Plan
Thanksgiving Color by Code - Vowels
Use this color by vowel sound Thanksgiving worksheet as for a bit of Turkey Day fun in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Apple Activities - Short and Long Vowel Sort
Supplement your phonics lessons with an apple-themed initial sound sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Short Vowel Worksheets (Middle Sounds Practice)
Identify medial or middle vowel sounds with this set of three worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Magic E Words - Match-Up Activity
Explore words containing long vowel sounds created by the magic e.
- Plus Plan
Meet Magic E - Poster and Worksheet Set
Remind your students how words are transformed by the magic e with this poster and worksheet set.
- Plus Plan
Final E - Word Study Worksheets Pack
Provide extra practice reading, spelling, and writing final-e words with a set of 44 Final E Word Study Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Short and Long Vowel Sounds Sorting Center
Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds with a short and long vowel sorting center activity.