CVCC Words Teaching Resources
Teach spelling and reading CVCC words to your elementary students with a complete collection of printable worksheets, digital games, reading center activities, CVCC word lists, flashcards, and more from the teachers of Teach Starter!
New to teaching this part of the English Language Arts curriculum or just looking for new ways to engage students as they move into CVCC words? Take a peek at this primer from our teacher team!
What Are CVCC Words?
CVCC words are words in which the first, middle, and last sounds are all consonants. These types of words can be challenging for young children learning to read and spell because they do not follow the typical pattern of beginning with a consonant sound, then a vowel sound, and ending with a consonant sound (CVC).
Children typically learn to read and spell CVCC words after first tackling more simple words that follow the CVC structure. By this point, children have developed the necessary phonemic awareness and decoding skills to tackle more complex words
CVCC Word Examples
Some common CVCC word examples you might use in your classroom include:
- truck
- strap
- brick
- spring
- scrub
- scrap
- splash
- latch
- screw
- scrape
- stretch
How to Teach CVCC Words
This collection has been filled with ideas for teaching students how to read and spell CVCC words to grow their vocabulary. Looking for more strategies to help students achieve those aha moments? Take a look at some of the most important strategies for teaching CVCC words:
- Phonemic Awareness: Teach your students to break words down into their individual sounds, or phonemes, to help them identify the beginning, middle, and ending sounds of CVCC words.
- Decoding: Teach your students to employ decoding skills by making use of the sounds they already know to decode the unfamiliar words. This will help them to recognize the word when they see it in print.
- Word Families: Grouping words that share common sounds or spellings (such as words that end in -ing or -ick) can help children recognize patterns and make connections between words.
- Sight Words: Some CVCC words can be added to your sight word work. This can help them to quickly identify and read these words without having to decode them.
- Word Building: Teach children to build words using letter-sound correspondences, starting with the first sound, then the second, and the last one.
- Word Sorting: Sorting words by their features, such as CVCC words, CVC words, words with the same ending sound, etc. will help children to identify the features and attributes of the words.
- Context: Provide kids with meaningful context for the CVCC words they are learning, such as reading a story or providing a picture or a sentence that includes the word.
- Free Plan
CVCC Word Work Mat
Practice segmenting and spelling simple words with this set of 24 CVCC picture task cards.
- Plus Plan
Spelling CVCC Words - Worksheets
Develop students’ ability to segment and blend the sounds in CVCC words with this set of differentiated worksheets.
- Plus Plan
CVCC and CCVC Word Chain Ladders - Worksheets
Build word chains with CVCC and CCVC words using this set of printable phonics worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Encourage your students to practice decoding and spelling CVC, CCVC, and CVCC words with this set of 15 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Bump! R Blends - Board Game
A board game to practice decoding words with an r-blend.
- Plus Plan
Break It Up! 4-Phoneme Word Segmentation Task Cards
Practice breaking down words with 4 phonemes into their sounds with this set of 18 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Ice Cream Word Chains - Interactive Activity
Drag and drop the ice cream scoops to make CVCC and CCVC word chains with this engaging digital activity.
- Plus Plan
Word Chain Mazes - Worksheets
Color a path through the maze by identifying the changing phoneme to create a continuous word chain.
- Plus Plan
Directed Word Chains - Worksheets
Manipulate the individual phonemes in words to create new ones with this set of four word chaining worksheets.
- Free Plan
Spaceship Word Chains - Worksheets
Manipulate the individual phonemes in 3- and 4-letter words to create new ones with this set of word chain worksheets.
- Plus Plan
CVCC and CCVC Words – Playdough Mats
Print and use these 27 Kindergarten sight word playdough mats to "squish" in a bit of fine motor fun.
- Plus Plan
Word Chain Worksheet - Final -st Blends
Create word chains by manipulating the individual phonemes in words with this differentiated word-building worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Google Interactive CVCC Word Building Activity
Practice building, reading, and writing words with consonants, vowels, blends, and digraphs while spelling CVCC words.
- Plus Plan
Bump! Final Blends - Board Game
A board game to practice decoding words with a final consonant blend.
- Plus Plan
BUMP! L Blends - Board Game
A board game to practice decoding words with an l-blend.
- Plus Plan
BUMP! S Blends - Board Game
A board game to practice decoding words with an initial s blend.
- Plus Plan
Reading CVCC Words - Picture Puzzle
Practice decoding CVCC words with this 15 piece picture puzzle.
- Plus Plan
R Blends Dominoes
Practice decoding and spelling words that feature R consonant blends with this set of 28 dominoes.
- Plus Plan
L Blends Dominoes
Practice decoding and spelling words that feature L consonant blends with this set of 28 dominoes
- Plus Plan
S Blends Dominoes
Practice decoding and spelling words with S consonant blends.
- Plus Plan
FIND IT! R Blends Board Game
Practice decoding and spelling words with this board game that focuses on R consonant blends.
- Plus Plan
FIND IT! S Blends Board Game
Practice decoding and spelling words with this board game that focuses on S consonant blends.
- Plus Plan
FIND IT! L Blends Board Game
Practice decoding and spelling words with this board game that focuses on L consonant blends.
- Plus Plan
CVCC Word Dominoes
Practice decoding and spelling CVCC words with this set of 28 dominoes.
- CVCC Words Games
- CVCC Words Board Games
- CVCC Words Worksheets
- CVCC Words Task Cards
- CVCC Words Dominoes
- CVCC Words Puzzles
- CVCC Words Interactive Activities
- CVCC Words Card Games
- CVCC Words Flashcards
- CVCC Words Mazes
- CVCC Words for Kindergarten
- CVCC Words for 1st Grade
- CVCC Words for 2nd Grade
- CVCC Words for 3rd Grade
- CVCC Words for 4th Grade
- CVCC Words for 5th Grade
- CVCC Words for 6th Grade