Fourth of July Teaching Resources
Mark the Fourth of July in the classroom with art projects, activities, and more fun for elementary students! These Independence Day teaching resources were all created by teachers for teachers!
- Plus Plan
5 Interesting Facts About the Declaration of Independence
A fact sheet covering five interesting facts about the Declaration of Independence.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day - Word Wall
Teach your students about the Fourth of July and inspire them to read and write with an illustrated Fourth of July Word Wall.
- Free Plan
Presidents' Day Matching Activity
A matching activity to use around Presidents' Day or Independence Day.
- Plus Plan
Statue of Liberty Classroom Posters
A set of posters to display and use in the classroom when learning about the Statue of Liberty.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day Reading Comprehension Pack
Enhance your students' comprehension, vocabulary, and writing skills with this nonfiction Independence Day reading passage and accompanying activities.
- Plus Plan
The American Flag Poster Project
Use this printable worksheet to make American flags with your students and learn about this important American symbol in social studies.
- Plus Plan
Funky Uncle Sam Craft Activity
A fun holiday craft to use for Presidents' Day and Independence Day.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day Paper Lantern Art Activity
A creative art activity to use when learning about the Independence Day celebration.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day ABC Order Worksheet
Support your students in reviewing the vocabulary and concepts surrounding the Independence Day holiday with this fun ABC Order Worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day Mini Book
Read, write, and draw to learn about Independence Day with a printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day Fact Sheet
A fact sheet covering important facts and traditions of Independence Day.
- Free Plan
Memorial Day Agamograph Art Activity
Use this elementary school art activity in the classroom around Memorial Day or when learning about the military.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day Themed Page Borders
Six page borders to use when learning about the Independence Day in the United States of America.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day Acrostic Poem - Template
An acrostic poem template to use in the classroom for Independence Day.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day - Sentence Starters
A set of 9 sentence starters to use in the classroom for Independence Day.
- Plus Plan
The Star-Spangled Banner Poster
A poster to display in the classroom with the words of the Star-Spangled Banner.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day - Multiple Intelligence Activity Table
A multiple intelligence activity table that engages all students when learning about Independence Day.
- Plus Plan
Statue of Liberty Comprehension Worksheet
Print a Statue of Liberty comprehension worksheet that encourages students to apply a range of reading strategies.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day Coloring Sheets
Five coloring sheets to use on Independence Day.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day Page Border
A page border with an Independence Day theme.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day - Vocabulary Task
A vocabulary task that encourages students to use the language associated with Independence Day.
- Plus Plan
What is Independence Day? - Comprehension Task
A comprehension task that encourages students to apply a range of reading strategies when discovering interesting facts about Independence Day.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day Teaching Resource Pack
An extensive collection of teaching resources to use in your classroom to celebrate Independence Day.
- Fourth of July Worksheets
- Fourth of July Templates
- Fourth of July Posters
- Fourth of July Task Cards
- Fourth of July Mini Book
- Fourth of July Word Walls
- Fourth of July Craft Activities
- Fourth of July Sorting Activities
- Fourth of July Matchup Games
- Fourth of July Games
- Fourth of July Custom Studio Resources
- Fourth of July Labels Signs Decorations
- Fourth of July Coloring Pages
- Fourth of July Writing Templates
- Fourth of July for Pre-K
- Fourth of July for Kindergarten
- Fourth of July for 1st Grade
- Fourth of July for 2nd Grade
- Fourth of July for 3rd Grade
- Fourth of July for 4th Grade
- Fourth of July for 5th Grade
- Fourth of July for 6th Grade
- Fourth of July for 7th Grade