Homework Activities Teaching Resources for Kindergarten
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Tracing Numbers 0-20
Practice writing numbers 0–20 with this tracing activity.
- Plus Plan
Family Preschool Projects - Monthly Craft Templates
Increase family involvement with this set of printable Family Preschool Projects designed for monthly take-home art projects for students and families.
- Free Plan
Tracing and Drawing 2-D Shapes – Worksheet
A simple trace and draw worksheet for 2-D shapes.
- Free Plan
Find and Color – Shape Scavenger Hunt
A scavenger hunt allowing students to find 2-D shapes in their surrounding environment.
- Plus Plan
Alphabet Playdough Mats
A set of work mats for students to write and form the letters of the alphabet using playdough.
- Plus Plan
Homework Information Sheet - Editable Template
Inform parents of what homework will look like in your classroom with this editable template.
- Plus Plan
K-2 Math Homework Helpers
Give your students handy Math Homework Helper printables to reference when working in class or at home.
- Plus Plan
Basic Subtraction Word Problems - Worksheet
Solve subtraction word problems by drawing picture models with a printable subtraction worksheet.
- Free Plan
What's Missing? - Alphabet Worksheet
A set of worksheets to practice writing the letters of the alphabet in order.
- Plus Plan
Simple Recounts - Writing Scaffold
A simple scaffolding worksheet to use when writing a recount.
- Plus Plan
Sporting Picture Stories - Sequencing Activity
A set of sequencing cards for students to use as an independent writing activity.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting Robot Strips - 2s, 5s, and 10s
A set of 12 skip counting robot strips to help students learn to skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s starting at any given number.
- Plus Plan
Sight Word Cards - Dolch Pre-Primer, Primer, Year 1, 2, 3 and Nouns
Dolch sight words on large cards.
- Plus Plan
Sight Word Cards - Dolch Pre-Primer
Dolch pre-primer sight words on flash cards.
- Plus Plan
0-20 Number Matching Game
Match different representations of numbers 0 to 20.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 1–20 - Puzzle Pack
Identify and sequence the numbers from 1 to 20 with a set of Numbers 1-20 puzzles for preschool and kindergarten..
- Plus Plan
K-2 ELA Homework Helpers
Give your students handy ELA Homework Helper printables to reference when working in class or at home.
- Plus Plan
Color Me - Monthly Reading Logs for Kids
Encourage your students to read every night with a fun set of color-in reading logs for each month of the year.
- Plus Plan
Alien Grab - Sorting by Category Activity
A fun sorting activity to identify toys from other everyday objects.
- Plus Plan
R-Blend Words - Printable Word Cards
Forty-eight R blend vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Plane (2-D) Shapes Mini Book
Engage your students and inspire them to read and learn about 2-D shapes and with a printable book.
- Plus Plan
Worksheet - Spelling Soft G Words & Hard G Words
Practice identifying the soft g sound and hard g sound with this printable two-page worksheet.
- Plus Plan
The Farm - Decodable Book
Introduce young readers to nonfiction text with a printable book about farms.
- Plus Plan
Constitution Day Count and Graph Worksheet
Practice counting and graphing with a Constitution Day themed worksheet.