Math Center Activities Teaching Resources for Pre-K
- Plus Plan
Fuzzy Friends Repeating Pattern Activity Cards
A set of 6 repeating pattern activity cards.
- Plus Plan
Python Pattern Activity
An activity for students to practice extending patterns.
- Plus Plan
All About Squares Mini Booklet
A mini booklet to assist younger students in learning about squares.
- Plus Plan
All About Triangles Mini Booklet
A mini booklet to assist younger students in learning about triangles.
- Plus Plan
All About Circles Mini Booklet
A mini booklet to assist younger students in learning about circles.
- Plus Plan
Cover Up! — Subitizing Numbers Game
Use this subitizing game to help your students instantly recognize the numbers 1 - 6.
- Plus Plan
Heavy and Light Hands-on Activity
A fun, hands-on activity for students to compare the weight of various objects
- Plus Plan
Subitizing Dominoes
Use these subitizing dominoes to give your students practice subitizing small collections of objects.
- Plus Plan
Color By Numbers - Underwater Scene
A fun way to practice recognizing the digits 1–8.
- Plus Plan
Non-Standard Measurement Rulers
Use printable non-standard measuring rulers to introduce your little learners to the world of measurement.
- Plus Plan
1–20 Number Matchup Puzzles
A set of 20 matchup puzzles to help students identify the different ways to represent the numbers 1–20.
- Plus Plan
Ladybug Addition and Subtraction Activity
A fun and simple adding and subtracting activity.
- Plus Plan
Pattern Activity Cards - Pencils
A set of 12 repeating pattern activity cards.
- Plus Plan
Pattern Activity Cards - Shapes
A set of 12 repeating pattern activity cards.
- Plus Plan
Pattern Activity Cards - Pirates
A set of 12 repeating pattern activity cards.
- Plus Plan
Pattern Activity Cards - Little Red Hen
A set of 12 repeating pattern activity cards.
- Plus Plan
Pattern Activity Cards - Fruit
A set of 12 repeating pattern activity cards.
- Plus Plan
Pattern Activity Cards - Birds
A set of 12 repeating pattern activity cards.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 1–30: Standard, Word, and Ten Frame Matchup Cards
A set of matchup cards to practice representing the numbers 1–30.
- Plus Plan
1 to 20 Parking Lot Number Match
A parking lot themed number matching activity to use in the classroom when identifying the numbers from 1 to 20 in word and standard form.
- Plus Plan
Ten in the Bed - Counting Activity
A fun, hands-on number rhyme activity to help students sequence numbers and count forward and backward from 1–10.
- Plus Plan
How Many Candles? - Birthday Cake Counting Activity
A fun, hands-on activity to practice one-to-one correspondence.
- Plus Plan
Writing Numbers 0–20 - Poster
A poster for students to reference when learning how to write the numbers 0–20.
- Plus Plan
Writing Numbers 0-10 - Poster
A poster for students to reference when learning how to write the numbers 0–10.
- Math Center Activities for Pre-K
- Math Center Activities for Kindergarten
- Math Center Activities for 1st Grade
- Math Center Activities for 2nd Grade
- Math Center Activities for 3rd Grade
- Math Center Activities for 4th Grade
- Math Center Activities for 5th Grade
- Math Center Activities for 6th Grade
- Math Center Activities for 7th Grade