Positive and Negative Numbers Teaching Resources
A collection of resources for exploring positive and negative numbers. This assortment of worksheets, number lines and displays can be used to understand what integers are, solve everyday additive problems using a number line, investigate common situations such as recording temperatures, and place and order integers around zero. They can be incorporated at the developmental, consolidation and/or assessment phases of learning.
- Free Plan
Understanding Positive & Negative Numbers – Worksheet
Explore positive and negative numbers by plotting integers on a number line and identifying opposites with this worksheet.
- Free Plan
Blank Number Lines - Printable
Print a set of open number lines to help you teach a variety of math skills.
- Plus Plan
Integers on Number Lines - Worksheet
Identify and plot integers on a number line with a positive and negative number worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Adding and Subtracting Integers - Codebreaker Worksheets
Crack the positive and negative number code with four adding and subtracting integers worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Positive and Negative Number Line - Worksheet
Practice locating integers on a positive and negative number line with a printable integer worksheet.
- Free Plan
Ordering Integers Activity — Task Cards
Introduce this ordering integers activity to your students to give them experience ordering positive and negative numbers.
- Free Plan
Integers Polygon Puzzle
A puzzle using positive and negative numbers in number sentences.
- Plus Plan
Integers Worksheet - Integer Number Line Cut and Paste
Practice identifying positive and negative numbers on a number line with a cut-and-paste integers worksheet
- Plus Plan
Printable Number Line - Negative and Positive Numbers -25-25
Use a negative and positive number line when working with integers.
- Plus Plan
Integers on Number Lines - Interactive Task Cards
Practice locating integers on a number line with a Google Slides interactive number line activity.
- Free Plan
Positive and Negative Numbers – Board Game
Practice identifying opposite integers, plotting positive and negative numbers, and solving word problems with this free board game.
- Plus Plan
Positive & Negative Numbers – Worksheet
Use positive and negative numbers to represent quantities in real-world scenarios with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Plotting and Comparing Integers – Worksheet
Practice plotting integers on a number line and completing comparison statements with this worksheet.
- Free Plan
Positive and Negative Numbers - Worksheet
A set of worksheets to use when learning about positive and negative numbers.
- Plus Plan
Comparing and Ordering Integers Worksheet Set
Integrate this comparing and ordering integers worksheet set into your unit on positive and negative numbers.
- Plus Plan
Integers on Number Lines - Bump Game
Review how to identify and place integers on a number line with a set of printable math games.
- Plus Plan
Digital Pixel Art - Adding and Subtracting Integers
Practice adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers with an exciting spreadsheet pixel art activity.
- Plus Plan
Integers on Number Lines - Kaboom Game
Practice identifying integers on a number line with an exciting Kaboom! Card Game.
- Plus Plan
Positive and Negative Number Lines - Task Cards
Practice addition and subtraction of positive and negative numbers on a number line with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Positive and Negative Number Line -50 to 50
Display a negative and positive number line to help your students master working with integers.
- Plus Plan
Adding and Subtracting Integers on Number Lines - Worksheet
Help your students learn to add and subtract integers on a number line with a printable adding and subtracting integers worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Add and Subtract Integers on a Number Line - Interactive Picture Reveal
Practice solving addition and subtraction equations with positive and negative numbers using an interactive mystery picture reveal.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Integers – Word Problem Task Cards
Build confidence with ordering positive and negative numbers with this set of word problem task cards.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Integers – Word Problem Worksheet
Interpret word problems while comparing integers with this math worksheet.
- Positive and Negative Numbers Worksheets
- Positive and Negative Numbers Games
- Positive and Negative Numbers Task Cards
- Positive and Negative Numbers Puzzles
- Positive and Negative Numbers Interactive Activities
- Positive and Negative Numbers Posters
- Positive and Negative Numbers Templates
- Positive and Negative Numbers Board Games
- Positive and Negative Numbers Matchup Games
- Positive and Negative Numbers Mazes
- Positive and Negative Numbers Card Games
- Positive and Negative Numbers Dice Games
- Positive and Negative Numbers Tarsia Puzzles
- Positive and Negative Numbers Logic Puzzles
- Positive and Negative Numbers for 1st Grade
- Positive and Negative Numbers for 2nd Grade
- Positive and Negative Numbers for 3rd Grade
- Positive and Negative Numbers for 4th Grade
- Positive and Negative Numbers for 5th Grade
- Positive and Negative Numbers for 6th Grade
- Positive and Negative Numbers for 7th Grade