Download these adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators word problems to provide your students with practice in this valuable math skill.
Grab These Adding and Subtracting Fractions Word Problems!
Can your students confidently solve equations involving addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators? If so, they’re ready to tackle word problems! Word problems enable students to apply their addition and subtraction skills to a new context. Students must also be able to interpret the question, work out which operation to use, communicate their working out in a clear and logical manner, and then express the correct answer!
This set of two worksheets contains adding and subtracting fractions word problems. The fractions involved in each question have like denominators. The first page focuses on addition word problems while the second page focuses on subtraction word problems. There are four word problems on each page.
Answers are also included to make grading fast and painless!
This resource downloads as either an easy-print PDF or an editable Google Slides file.
Differentiate This Adding and Subtracting Fractions Activity
Are you looking for ways to support the needs of all students while using these adding and subtracting fractions word problems? Here are a few suggestions:
- Highlight the Key Information – Some students can find word problems overwhelming if they do not know where to begin. Show these students how to highlight the key information in the problem, such as the fractions that need to be worked with. This will set them well on their way to success!
- Write Your Own – Challenge more-capable students to write additional word problems that involve addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators. Students can swap these with a partner to complete.
Download These Adding and Subtracting Fractions Word Problem Worksheets
Use the dropdown menu on the Download button to access your preferred version of these fractions word problems. Should you select the Google Slides file, please note that you will be asked to make a copy to your personal drive.
Because these worksheets include answer sheets, we recommend printing one copy of the entire file. Then, make the required number of photocopies of the worksheets.
This resource was created by Heather Chambers, a teacher in Texas and a Teach Starter Collaborator.
More Adding and Subtracting Fractions Resources for Your Classroom
Bring a love of all things fractions into your classroom with these teacher-created, curriculum-aligned resources:

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Adding and Subtracting Fractions Math Investigation
Immerse your students in all things fractions with this math project based around a real-world scenario.

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Adding and Subtracting Fractions Worksheets
Use these adding and subtracting fractions worksheets to enable your students to practice this important skill.

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Adding and Subtracting Fractions Game
Use this adding and subtracting fractions game as a fun alternative to worksheets.
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