Practice solving addition problems using a variety of addition strategies with this interactive activity.
Help Students Blossom with this Addition Strategies Interactive Activity
This resource offers an interactive activity that allows students to practice solving addition problems within 1,000 using various strategies. By incorporating multiple approaches to addition, students deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts and develop flexibility in problem-solving.
In this sunflower-themed interactive activity, students will be shown a question in which they need to choose the correct answer to the three possibilities offered. Strategies they’ll draw upon to answer the questions include:
- Base ten blocks strategy
- Break apart strategy
- The relationship between addition and subtraction
Tips for Differentiation + Scaffolding
A team of dedicated, experienced educators created this resource to support your Math Lessons
In addition to individual student work time, use this activity to enhance learning through guided maths groups, whole class lessons, or remote learning assignments.
If you have a mixture of above and below-level learners and ELL/ESL students, we have a few suggestions for keeping students on track with these concepts:
🆘 Support Struggling Students
Allow students to use maths manipulatives.
➕ Challenge Fast Finishers
Have students write down other addition strategies they could have used to solve each of the questions.
🧑🏫 Group Learning
Project the slides onto a screen and work through them as a class by having students record their answers in their notebooks or mini whiteboards.
Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students
This resource downloads as a Google Slide version.
Please be sure to open in Presentation mode, not edit mode. Students click on each of the sunflowers to answer the questions.
This resource was created by Cassandra Friesen, a teacher in Colorado and a Teach Starter Collaborator.
More addition strategy resources for the classroom:

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Addition Strategies Cheat Sheet
Help students understand the different addition strategies with this helpful cheat sheet.

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Addition Strategies Worksheet
A worksheet to use when reviewing different addition strategies.

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Addition Strategies Posters
Create an "addition strategies display" for your students with this set of 7 posters.
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