Help students learn to choose appropriate units of measurement with a set of differentiated measurement handouts.
What Are Units Of Measure?
Units of measure are standardized units used to describe and compare the properties of objects, such as length, mass, time, temperature, and more. They provide a way to standardize and share measurements in varying contexts.
For students, picking up a ruler and measuring the length of an object may come quickly. However, that isn’t the only type of measurement they need to be familiar with. They must understand how to measure and communicate their findings when measuring various properties, so students must understand what units of measure are appropriate for measuring different properties. That’s where this resource comes in! We’ve put together the perfect worksheet set to help your students determine the relevant unit of measurement to use when measuring length, mass, time, capacity, and more!
Determining the Appropriate Unit of Measurement Worksheets
This set of differentiated worksheets provides your students with the additional practice they need when learning to recognize the most appropriate units to use for length, area, time, capacity, and mass. Each measurement handout features a variety of scenarios that students must read and evaluate to determine the appropriate units to use to measure correctly.
These measuring units worksheets are marked with stars to represent their difficulty level. These are included as follows:
- ★ – Simplified Version – This measuring units worksheet contains two sections that require students to choose the appropriate measurement for scenarios related to length, mass, time, and capacity. They will apply their knowledge of measurement units, including feet, inches, minutes, gallons, pounds, etc., to select and color the appropriate unit of measurement needed in each scenario.
- ★★ – Advanced Version – This worksheet includes more challenging scenarios and a wider variety of measurement units, including gallons, feet, pounds, square feet, fluid ounces, miles, cups, and more. This measurement handout requires students to read each statement and color the statements according to a color key.
An answer page is included in the resource.
Download and Print!
This resource is available as an easy-to-use Google Slides or Printable PDF Resource file. To get your copy, click the dropdown arrow on the download button to select your preferred file format. Make your copies, pass them out to your students, and you’re ready to begin!
This resource was created by Mike Bailey, a teacher in New York and Teach Starter Collaborator.
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