Inspire your students and encourage them to write regularly with a set of printable Daily Writing Prompts in calendar format!
Keep Students Writing All Month Long with Calendar Writing Choice Boards!
Encouraging kids to write daily, even just for a few minutes, can have many benefits. Not only does it help them come up with creative ideas and stories, but it also improves their language skills. Writing is an excellent way for kids to express their feelings and emotions and can provide introverted students with a creative way to express their personalities. When kids write daily, they learn the value of using their imagination and conversation skills to share their stories. This year, we encourage you to get your students into a daily writing routine with fun activities from Teach Starter!
Printable Monthly Writing Calendars for Kids!
This printable resource download consists of a set of twelve monthly writing calendars filled with fun and engaging writing prompts for students in upper grades. Each month contains 16 unique writing prompts, along with four opportunities for free writing. We have included prompts for a variety of writing types, including:
- Fiction Writing
- How To Writing
- List Making
- Persuasive Writing
- Opinion Writing
- Drawing and Writing
- Informational Writing
- Letter Writing
- And more!
With these writing calendars, your students will quickly fall into a daily writing routine and easily develop their writing and storytelling skills!
Download Your Daily Writing Prompts Calendar Pack
This resource is available as an easy-to-use Google Slides or Printable PDF Resource file. To get your copy, click the dropdown arrow on the download button to select your preferred file format. Make your copies, pass them out to your students, and you’re ready to begin!
This resource was created by Samantha Rose, a teacher in Florida and Teach Starter Collaborator.
Even More Writing Prompts to Inspire Young Writers
Don’t go yet! Make sure you check out these fun writing prompts and printable resources.

teaching resource
Procedural Writing Prompt Task Cards
Need some procedural writing ideas? Download these task cards to use as a writing center activity during your procedure writing unit.

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Summer Santa on Vacation - Christmas Writing Prompts
Inspire hilarious Christmas narratives with a printable set of Santa on Vacation writing prompt worksheets.

teaching resource
Halloween Narrative Writing Prompts — Finish the Story Writing Activity
Develop narrative writing skills this Halloween season with a printable “Finish the Story” writing prompt and craft.
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