Have students practice comparing and ordering decimals to the thousandths place with this set of 16 task cards.
Ordering and Comparing Decimals Activity
Your students have probably practiced the concept of comparing and ordering numbers in each grade level. Students work on determining which amounts are larger in kindergarten and are then introduced to the inequality symbols that we commonly use with number comparisons. As students work their way through elementary school, they continue to use their comparison and ordering skills to work with larger numbers. As students enter 4th and 5th grade, they will begin to compare and order decimals.
This set of task cards has been designed by our expert teacher team to provide your students with practice comparing and ordering decimals in a variety of contexts. Students are required to read each question card, solve the question by comparing and ordering decimals, then record their answer on their recording sheet.
Questions are presented using number lines, tables and word problems.
Through this activity, students will compare and order decimals to thousandths place and represent comparisons using the symbols >, <, or =.
These comparing and ordering decimals task cards download as either a full-color printable PDF, a black-and-white printable PDF or an editable Google Slides file (containing both the full-color and black-and-white versions).
Multiple Uses for These Comparing and Ordering Decimals Task Cards
A team of dedicated, experienced educators created these comparing and ordering decimals problems to support your math lessons. You might like to use them in the following ways:
- Scoot Activity – Place the cards around the room in numerical order and give each student a recording sheet. Assign students or pairs to a starting point card. Give students time to review the card and record their answers in the corresponding space on their paper. Students will rotate to the next card when you say, “SCOOT!” Continue in this manner until students return to their starting point.
- Exit Tickets – Use these cards as a formative assessment or exit ticket after your lesson on adding and subtracting decimals. Pick a random assortment of cards and project them on the board for the whole class to see. Students can record their answers on a sheet of paper, sticky note or their notebook.
- Pair Mirror Game – Place the students in pairs. Provide each student with a mini-whiteboard and markers. Choose a question card and have the students write the answer on their whiteboard without their partner seeing it. Have the students show each other their answers. If they are both correct, the students win a point for their pair.
Download and Prepare This Decimals Activity
Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose your preferred version of this resource.
Print the cards on cardstock for added durability and longevity. Place all pieces in a folder or large envelope for easy access.
This resource was created by Madison Evans, a teacher in North Carolina and Teach Starter Collaborator.
More Lesson Ideas for Comparing and Ordering Decimals
Dive in below to explore more teacher-created, curriculum-aligned resources to use when teaching decimals to your students!

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Compare and Order Decimals – 5th Grade Math Worksheet
Build decimal place value understanding with a printable worksheet for comparing and ordering decimals.

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Adding and Subtracting Decimals – Differentiated Mystery Image Worksheets
Have students practice adding and subtracting decimals with this mystery image worksheet.
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