Assess students' knowledge of various decimals and percentages concepts with this four-page worksheet.
Looking for a Decimals and Percentages Worksheet?
Are you looking to assess how well your students can perform operations with decimals and percentages? If so, this comprehensive decimals and percentages assessment pack may be exactly what you’re looking for!
This four-page decimals and percentages assessment contains 13 questions on a variety of key concepts. These include:
- Place value of decimal numbers to thousandths
- Adding and subtracting decimal numbers
- Multiplying decimal numbers by whole numbers
- Dividing decimal numbers by whole numbers
- Multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by powers of 10
- Fraction, decimal and percentage equivalence
- Calculating percentages of a quantity
- Calculating discounts and sale price
This resource downloads as a printable PDF or editable Google Slides file. Answer sheets for teachers are also included to help reduce your grading time!
How to Use This Decimals and Percentages Assessment
This decimals and percentages assessment has been designed by our expert teacher team to be used as a comprehensive summative assessment tool at the end of your unit of work on decimals and percentages. However, you can adapt the usage of this resource in the following ways:
- Pick and Choose – If you wish to only assess a portion of the concepts included in the assessment, pull out the required pages and leave the others for another time.
- Concept Practice – This set of worksheets can be used as independent practice of decimals and percentages concepts during your unit of work, rather than an assessment at the end.
- Pre-Test Activity – These could also be used as a pre-test at the beginning of your unit on decimals and percentages as a means of identifying which concepts will require the most teaching.
Download These Decimals and Percentages Worksheets
Use the dropdown menu on the Download button to access your preferred version of this resource.
As this resource contains answers, we recommend printing one copy of the entire file. Then, remove the question pages to make copies for your students.
For sustainability purposes, please consider printing this resource double-sided. The environment will thank you for it!
More Decimals and Percentages Resources at Your Fingertips!
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Get students converting fractions, decimals and percentages with this hands-on maths game perfect for math centers.

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