teaching resource

Developing Narrative Writing Skills - 3rd & 4th Grade

  • Updated

    Updated:  02 Jul 2024

Teach your students about the structure and language features of narrative texts with an engaging interactive Narrative Writing Teaching Slide Presentation.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades:  3 - 5


teaching resource

Developing Narrative Writing Skills - 3rd & 4th Grade

  • Updated

    Updated:  02 Jul 2024

Teach your students about the structure and language features of narrative texts with an engaging interactive Narrative Writing Teaching Slide Presentation.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades:  3 - 5

Teach your students about the structure and language features of narrative texts with an engaging interactive Narrative Writing Teaching Slide Presentation.

Struggling With How to Teach Narrative Writing?

You’re not alone! While many teachers see narrative writing as the most fun to teach, they also see it as one of the most difficult writing genres to get students up to speed with. There are so many components to a narrative piece, and sometimes, students need a bit of extra push to get their ideas rolling and the stories flowing. The best way to get the process started is through a bit of shared reading, direct instruction, and discussion surrounding the parts of a narrative and what those parts look like. This year, we’re excited to help you out with those narrative writing lesson plans with an all-in-one Narrative Writing Teaching Slide Deck to help you deliver that all-important instruction.

A No-Prep Way to Teach How to Write a Story

This teaching presentation has been designed to teach your 3rd and 4th grade students about the text structure and language features of narrative writing. It addresses the following content:

  • an overview of the purpose and types of narrative texts
  • an explanation of narrative text structure, with annotated examples
  • an explanation of descriptive language with annotated examples.

Activities for students relating to narrative structure and descriptive language are also included.

Download, Project, and Teach Your Narrative Writing Lessons!

This resource is available as a Google Slides resource file. To get your copy, simply click the download button, make your copy, and you’re ready to teach!

This resource was created by Samantha Lynn, a teacher in Florida and Teach Starter collaborator.

Even More Resources to Fill in Your Narrative Writing Lesson Plans!

Don’t stop there! Make sure you grab these narrative writing lessons and activities before you go!

Image of Internal and External Character Traits - Cut and Paste Worksheet

teaching resource

Internal and External Character Traits - Cut and Paste Worksheet

Explore the internal and external traits of story characters with this differentiated cut-and-paste worksheet.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageGrades: 1 - 2


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