teaching resource

Google Interactive Word Building-CVCe Words

  • Updated

    Updated:  26 Apr 2023

Practice identifying consonant and vowel sounds while spelling CVCe (consonant-vowel-consonant-e) words.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Grade

    Grade:  1

teaching resource

Google Interactive Word Building-CVCe Words

  • Updated

    Updated:  26 Apr 2023

Practice identifying consonant and vowel sounds while spelling CVCe (consonant-vowel-consonant-e) words.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Grade

    Grade:  1

Practice identifying consonant and vowel sounds while spelling CVCe (consonant-vowel-consonant-e) words.

Start Mastering CVCe Words with Google Slides!

Bring something new and exciting to the mundane word-building practice with our Google Slides Interactive CVCe Word Building exercise. Have your student practice spelling these consonant – vowel – consonant – e words using letter tiles and picture stimuli.

To use this resource, simply assign it in Google Classroom and have students use the document in Edit mode. They will master their spelling CVCe words and computer literacy skills at the same time with our drag and drop interactions.

Through this activity, students will show their ability to identify picture prompts and use letter tiles to build CVCe words.

Tips for Differentiation + Scaffolding 

A team of dedicated, experienced educators created this resource to support your reading and word study lessons.

In addition to individual student work time, use this activity to enhance learning through guided reading groups, whole class lessons, or remote learning assignments. 

If you have a mixture of above and below-level learners and ELL/ESL students, we have a few suggestions for keeping students on track with these concepts: 

🆘 Support Struggling Students

For struggling learners, provide students with small group instruction, assisting them with working through the sounds and spelling patterns as needed.

Have students work with a partner to complete the activity.

Project the document on your interactive whiteboard and complete the activity as a whole group.

➕ Challenge Fast Finishers

Have students research and list additional CVCe words that would make good additions to the activity.

Encourage students to further their learning by having them write sentences and draw pictures of the CVCe words from the activity.

Allow fast finishers to work on our other word-building activities, including Dolch Sight Word Interactives.

🧑‍🏫 Group Learning

Project the slides onto a screen and work through them as a class by having students record their answers in their notebooks or mini whiteboards. 

Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students

Press the download button and make a copy of the resource. 

Assign this interactive activity to Google Classroom. Please be sure to open in Edit mode, not presentation mode. Students click/drag/drop to build CVCe words using letter tiles.

While you’re here, check out more activities and teaching resources that fill your lesson plans and students’ brains:

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