Recall the steps to find the greatest common factor of a set of numbers with this math reference sheet.
How Do You Find the Greatest Common Factor?
Are your students learning to find the greatest common factor of 2 or more numbers? This 6th-grade math skill is important when working with fractions, especially when finding common denominators.
If it has been a while since you’ve taught students how to find the GCF, no worries! Teach Starter has you covered with a poster you can use and then pass on to your students to keep as a reference tool.
To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of two or more numbers, you can use the “divide and conquer” method.
The divide and conquer method involves:
- Listing the factors of each number
- Finding the common factors among the numbers
- Determining which common factor is the largest
How to Make the Most of Your GCF Reference Sheet
- Print the poster and display it in your classroom for students to reference when doing independent work.
- Print the poster, slip it into a clear sleeve and use it in your guided groups as a reminder.
- Print the poster, slide it into a clear sleeve and hang it on a ring as a reference tool for a learning center.
We’ve also come up with bonus ways to turn posters into interactive tools that really make your lessons stick!
📝 Create a fill-in-the-blank worksheet by removing selections of text.
📂 Place copies in students’ homework folders for reference.
💻 Provide posters as digital resources for virtual students.
🧠 Test students’ memories by showing them the poster, then hiding it and having them tell you what they remember.
✅ Incorporate posters into your lesson wrap-up: students write on a sticky note what they learned from the lesson and place it on the poster.
Before You Download
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This resource was created by Jillian Sloane, a teacher in West Virginia and a Teach Starter Collaborator.
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