Download these procedural writing worksheets to get your students bumping-up some simple procedure texts.
Can Your Students Improve the Procedure Texts?
Procedure texts inform how to do or make something through a series of steps. These steps must be detailed enough for someone to successfully achieve the procedure’s goal.
This worksheet contains three procedure texts that are too simple! They require a lot more detail to help the reader successfully achieve the goal. That’s where your students come in!
Have your students choose one of the poorly written procedure texts. Then, have them rewrite the text on the template provided, adding adverbs and adverbial phrases to make the procedures more detailed. They can add more steps to the method, also!
The three procedure texts included are:
- How to Build a Sandcastle
- How to Plant a Seed
- How to Play “Monkey in the Middle”
How to Use This Procedural Writing Worksheet
Here is one experienced teacher’s suggestion for using this procedural writing worksheet in your classroom:
- Start with Modeled Writing – Choose one of the three procedural texts to improve as a jointly constructed piece of writing. Work together as a class to improve the text by adding additional steps, more concise vocabulary and transitional words. Students could copy this example into their books so they can refer back to it during independent writing.
- Transition to Paired Writing – Have the students work in pairs to improve one of the other procedural texts on the worksheet. Once finished, students could join together with another pair who worked on the same topic to compare improvements.
- Finish with Independent Writing – Now that the students are confident with the process, have them improve the final text on the worksheet independently. Students can refer back to the jointly constructed example if they need support during this process.
Download This Procedural Writing Worksheet
Use the Download button to access the printable PDF or editable Google Slides version of this resource.
You may wish to make multiple copies of the procedural writing template, which is found on page 2 of the resource.
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