Practice measurement conversions involving time, length, capacity, and volume with an exciting Know Your Measurement! Trivia Game!
Measurement Conversions Made Fun!
Let’s face it, sometimes there are math concepts that are difficult to spice up enough for your students to truly enjoy. One of those concepts is measurement conversions. First of all, converting measurements is difficult, and second of all, students don’t really connect with the materials in their traditional form. That’s where we come in!
This year, we’re excited to help you improve your students’ measurement conversion skills with new, engaging, interactive games…starting with a brand new Know Your Measurement Trivia Game!
Know Your Measurement! Conversions Trivia Game
This download includes a fun trivia game designed to help your students practice their skills with converting units of time, length, capacity, and volume. It features 24 questions and a self-checking interface that allows your students to play as a whole group or independently in math stations.
Students will experience the following concepts/types of problems throughout the game
- Converting liters to milliliters
- Converting hours to minutes
- Converting gallons to cups
- Converting gallons to quarts
- Converting weeks and days to hours
- And more!
To play, open the presentation and place it in presentation mode. Questions are ordered so that students complete one column/point value at a time. Each time they answer a question correctly, they return to the game board. Completed questions disappear from the gameboard as they are answered.
Download and Play Your New Measurement Conversion Game!
This resource downloads as a Google Slides resource file. To get your copy, click the download button. You will be prompted to make your own copy. From there, open the file, project, and you’re ready to play!
This resource can also be assigned as a Google Classroom assignment!
This resource was created by Brittany Kellogg, a teacher in Ohio and Teach Starter Collaborator.
Even More Ways to Play With Measurement Conversions
Looking for more ways to enhance your measurement conversion lessons? Make sure you check these out before you go!
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