Explain the concept of length and review related vocabulary with a printable measurement anchor chart.
Build Academic Vocabulary With Measurement Anchor Charts!
Building academic vocabulary is an essential step in helping students understand and succeed in all subjects, especially Math. Using anchor charts, especially those focused on measurement concepts, is an effective tool for helping instill those important academic vocabulary words that students will need now and in the future. These visual aids not only help students understand complex terminology but also serve as constant reminders that reinforce learning.
These printable measurement anchor charts are the perfect tool for helping refresh your students’ memories on all things measurement and length-related. Available in three easy-to-use formats, this printable poster pack gives students an excellent reference tool when working with measurement concepts related to length, distance, height, and width. Each poster is designed to help students recall the definition of length and identify several of its key terms.
Download and Print Your Measuring Length Poster Pack
This printable resource downloads as a PDF resource file that contains a full-color, low-color, and black-and-white version of the poster. To get your resource, simply click the download button and you’re ready to print!
Even More Measuring Length Worksheets & Printables
Looking for more? Make sure you check out these awesome measurement activities before you go!

teaching resource
Selecting Units of Length – Sorting Activity
Use a sorting activity to help students identify lengths and distances that should be measured in centimeters, inches, feet, and miles.

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Comparing Lengths – Measurement Game
Identify what is shorter or longer with an engaging interactive measurement game.

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Measuring Length with Informal Units - Worksheets
Experience measurement with informal units using a set of printable 1st grade measurement worksheets.
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