Help your ELL and ESL students decipher math word problems using Spanish math keyword anchor charts.
Boost Problem-Solving with Spanish Math Action Words!
Are your ELL/ESL students struggling with word problems? It’s a common problem seen in math classrooms around the world, and we know teachers are always looking for new ways to teach language learners to identify the operations in problems before they begin to solve math them. We’ve put together a handy set of printable Spanish Math Action Word anchor charts to help you get them started!
Teach Math Terms in Spanish and English!
Use these Spanish Math Keyword posters in your classroom if your students need help making sense of word problems! These math keyword posters help students identify Spanish keywords in word problems that indicate operations. There are four posters, one for each math operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), and one with keywords that represent ‘equals’. Words included are listed below:
La Suma (Addition):
sumar todo junto los dos combinar cuántos aumentar juntar más la suma todo junto total |
Restar (Subtraction):
deducir restar valor desminuir por la diferencia ¿cuántos más? ¿cuántos quedan? sobran menos que menos reducir quedan remover restar quitar |
Multiplicacion (Multiplication):
veces más por grupos iguales grupos de mucho de multiplicar multiplicado por producto de veces |
Division (Division):
el promedio dividir cada partes iguales parejo todo de cociente la proporción compartido por igual partir |
Eguales (Equals):
balanceado igual equivalente par dar idéntico es combinar con mismo rendir |
The posters also come in color and black and white, which can be printed on colored paper to save on ink! The one-page sheets are great for students to use as reference sheets in their math notebooks or shrink them and use them as bookmarks in their math workbooks.
If you’re in a dual-language classroom, you can teach math terms in Spanish and English by pairing these posters with their English counterparts found here.
Need to change a word or spelling due to dialect? No problem! Download the editable Google Slides version to make changes as needed.
Download and Print Your Spanish Math Action Word Charts
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This resource was created by Brittany Kellogg, a teacher in Ohio and Teach Starter Collaborator.
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