Use a set of printable measurement conversion worksheets to practice converting units of time.
It’s Time to Teach Measurement Conversions!
The time has come…the beginning of one of the most challenging math units of the school year. In a survey of the Teach Starter team, we’ve found that working with measurement conversions is difficult for both teachers and students in a range of grade levels. This year, we’re excited to help you out by providing you with leveled, differentiated measurement conversion worksheets to start your unit and keep your students learning and growing their skills.
Converting Minutes to Hours, Hours to Days, and More!
This handy set of printable measurement conversion worksheets is designed to give your students the practice they need to master the ability to convert between units of time.
Your resource download includes three measurement conversion worksheets, each covering time conversions between seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks, providing your students with a thorough review of time unit conversions.
🖨️ Download Your Measurement Conversion Worksheets
Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or editable Google Slides version of this resource.
Because this resource includes an answer sheet, we recommend you print one copy of the entire file. Then, make photocopies of the blank worksheet for students to complete.
This resource was created by Brittany Collins, a teacher in Indiana and Teach Starter collaborator.
Don’t stop there! We’ve got more activities to shorten your lesson planning time:

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Converting Units of Length – Error Analysis Worksheet
Analyze length conversions to identify and correct mistakes with this error analysis worksheet.

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Converting Units of Length - Math Mazes
Strengthen measurement conversion skills while converting units of length with this set of math mazes.

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Riddle Me! Converting Units of Length – Worksheet
Use ratio reasoning and measurement conversion skills to complete a set of 3 riddle worksheets.
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