Solve the missing addition sentence by matching the addend with its equation, completing the puzzle.
This is a 2-page worksheet in which students will glue the missing addend puzzle piece in the appropriate square needed to complete the addition sentence.
When the student correctly identifies all 9 missing addends, they will see a fun outdoor scene on their worksheet!
Through this activity, students demonstrate the operations ability to complete addition equations up to 200.
Missing Addend Worksheet: Scaffolding + Extension Tips
In addition to individual student work time, use this worksheet as a:
- Math center activity
- Post-lesson exit ticket
- Homework assignment
- Whole-class review (via smartboard)
Got fast finishers? Students who need a challenge can create their own missing addend puzzle board working on addition within 1,000.
Students who need extra support can refer to a number line or use manipulatives to help them visualize the missing addend. Or move them down to the level 1 or 2 worksheets (see bottom of page).
A Variety of Ways to Prepare This Resource
Because this resource includes an answer sheet, we recommend you print one copy of the entire file. Then, make photocopies of the blank worksheet for students to complete.
You can also use this resource as a sustainable activity! Simply print a few copies on cardstock and cut out the puzzle pieces and store them in a resealable bag. Then throw it into a math center to be used again and again.
Additionally, project page 1 of the worksheet onto a screen and work through it as a class by having students record their answers in their notebooks.
Get more handy worksheets here!
Looking for the other two levels to either level up or down with your students? Click on the links below.
![Image of Missing Addend Picture Puzzle – Level 1](/images/default_thumbnail.png)
teaching resource
Missing Addend Picture Puzzle – Level 1
Solve the missing addition sentence by matching the addend with its equation, completing the puzzle.
![Image of Missing Addend Picture Puzzle – Level 2](/images/default_thumbnail.png)
teaching resource
Missing Addend Picture Puzzle – Level 2
Solve the missing addition sentence by matching the addend with its equation, completing the puzzle.
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