Build multisyllable word decoding skills with a Science of Reading based worksheet pack.
Decoding Multisyllable Words Worksheet Pack
What makes decoding multi-syllable words more challenging? Is it a lack of phonemic awareness, limited vocabulary, neither, or both? Current research suggests that students need explicit instruction to develop the ability to decode multi-syllable words. To do this, students need direct instruction, guided practice, independent practice, and even more practice. This is where we come in.
This resource provides students with a series of worksheets working on syllables, dividing multi-syllable words, and decoding them using Science of Reading strategies. This activity can be used for targeted intervention in small groups or for whole-class instruction. By engaging students in this process, they will better understand
- consonant blends
- vowel digraphs
- r-controlled vowels
- diphthongs
- digraphs
- open syllables
- closed syllables
This resource provides students with additional skill practice decoding multi-syllable words using the Science of Reading techniques. Students can improve their reading fluency, and begin building confidence and success with difficult words.
Tips for Differentiation + Scaffolding
A team of dedicated, experienced educators created this resource to support your Reading lessons.
In addition to individual student work time, use this activity to enhance learning through guided reading groups, whole class lessons, or remote learning assignments.
If you have a mixture of above and below-level learners and ELL/ESL students, we have a few suggestions for keeping students on track with these concepts:
🆘 Support Struggling Students
- Complete the activities in a one-to-one instructional setting
- Have students work together in pairs or small groups to complete the multi-syllable word worksheets.
➕ Challenge Fast Finishers
- Encourage fast finishers to continue experiencing multi-syllable words by providing them with grade-level nonfiction texts with advanced academic vocabulary.
🧑🏫 Group Learning
Project the sheets onto a screen and work through them as a class by having students record their answers in their notebooks or mini whiteboards.
Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students
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This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher in Michigan and a Teach Starter collaborator.
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