Teach your students the R.E.R.U.N. method for writing a scientific conclusion with an interactive teaching slide deck.
Make Writing a Scientific Conclusion Easy With Teach Starter!
Help your students learn how to write clear and complete scientific conclusions with ready-to-use resources from Teach Starter! Our printable materials simplify the process, providing comprehensive instructional resources, visual aids, and examples to help students confidently summarise scientific experiment results. Whether explaining findings or linking data to hypotheses, our R.E.R.U.N. resources make it easy for students to understand and apply the key components of a solid scientific conclusion.
Read and Analyze a Sample Science Conclusion with the R.E.R.U.N. Method
With this editable teaching presentation, you can make writing scientific conclusions a breeze for your students. Designed for upper elementary and middle school students, this resource introduces students to the R.E.R.U.N. method for writing a scientific conclusion. It features a variety of instructional tools, including sample science conclusions for students to emulate.
What is the R.E.R.U.N. Method?
The R.E.R.U.N. method of writing a scientific conclusion is based on the following:
- Restate – What was the aim of the experiment?
- Explain – What was the experiment trying to find out?
- Results – What are the results of the experiment?
- Uncertainty – What were the uncertainties, errors, or uncontrolled variables?
- New – What did you learn, and how can you take this knowledge further?
This presentation includes informative slides, opportunities for discussion, and sample science conclusions for students to analyze and build their ability to apply the R.E.R.U.N. method. This structured slide deck is the perfect tool for making scientific conclusions clear, structured, and easy to write!
Download, Project, and Teach Your Students How to Write a Scientific Conclusion Today
This resource downloads as a fully editable Google Slides presentation. To get your copy, click the download button. You will be prompted to make a copy to your personal drive. From there, you’re ready to project the slideshow and start teaching!
This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher and Teach Starter Collaborator.
Try a Few More of Our R.E.R.U.N Science Conclusion Writing Resources
Looking for more help in teaching this difficult concept. Use this resource in conjunction with

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R.E.R.U.N. - Writing a Scientific Conclusion Anchor Charts
Introduce your students to the R.E.R.U.N. method for writing a scientific conclusion with a printable poster and fact sheet.
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