teaching resource

Sight Word Hunt - Dolch Pre-Primer

  • Updated

    Updated:  09 May 2023

Practice reading high frequency words by sight with a set of 6 Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words game boards.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  7 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades:  PK - K


teaching resource

Sight Word Hunt - Dolch Pre-Primer

  • Updated

    Updated:  09 May 2023

Practice reading high frequency words by sight with a set of 6 Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words game boards.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  7 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades:  PK - K

Practice reading high frequency words by sight with a set of 6 Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words game boards.

Dolch’s word list of 220 high-frequency sight words begins with the Pre-Primer list—36 words early readers will first discover, and eventually know by heart. 

In this activity, students will read the sight words on the mats and cover each word using red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple connecting cubes. 

Practice Reading Pre Primer Dolch Words

Use this resource as a reading center activity, with your guided reading group, or as a whole class activity (see below) to practice reading high-frequency words by sight. 

Players read each sight word on the board and cover it with the matching color connecting cube. Add more players by taking turns!

Scaffolding and Extension Tips + More Pre Primer Dolch Words Practice

Use this resource as independent practice for fast finishers, and for full-class learning opportunities like scoot activities, lesson reviews, formative assessments, and more.

Challenge students who already understand the concept by having them record the sight words on a whiteboard or piece of paper.

Invite students to use a visual reminder, like an anchor chart or an alphabet display, to sound out words they may struggle with. 

Draw It!

This activity can also be used as a formative assessment. Project on a board for the whole class to see. Have each student pick 3 words and write them on a separate sheet of paper. Then, have the students draw a picture for each word, showing they’ve read the word and understand what it is.

Alphabetical Ordering

After students finish the game, challenge them to put the words on their cards in alphabetical order. 

Get our 10 Best Scaffolding Strategies to try today! 

Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students

Print on cardstock for added durability and longevity. Place all pieces in a folder or large envelope for easy access. 

Before You Download

Use the drop-down icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or Google Slides version of this resource. 

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher in Michigan and a Teach Starter Collaborator. 


Don’t go anywhere—unless it’s to check out more great sight word activities, like these:

[resource:4604160]   [resource:4379867]   [resource:4706490]


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