Use this set of 24 task cards to help students practice identifying and constructing sentences using subordinating conjunctions.
Subordinating Conjunctions Board Game
Mix things up in your next grammar lesson with this subordinating conjunctions board game. Designed by an experienced teacher, this game is intended for small groups or pairs of students and will extend their understanding of subordinating conjunctions. The game cards require players to use a prompt and a randomly selected conjunction to verbally express a complex sentence.
This teaching resource is designed to enhance students’ proficiency in constructing sentences using subordinating conjunctions verbally.
Included in the resource is a comprehensive set comprising a set of directions, a game board and game cards. The game board provides a visually engaging and interactive platform for students to navigate as they progress through various prompts related to subordinating conjunctions. The game cards act as key components, offering students specific challenges and opportunities to apply their understanding of subordinating conjunctions in sentence construction.
How to Play this Subordinating Conjunctions Game
To play, students will:
- Roll the dice and move forward that number of spaces.
- Pick a sentence starter card.
- Make a sentence using the sentence starter on the card and the subordinating conjunction they landed on.
- If the player cannot form the sentence correctly, they move back to their previous spot.
The player who gets to the finish line first wins!
How to Download this Subordinating Conjunctions Game
Download your copy of the resource using the green Download button. Select between Google Slides or printable PDF formats. Save your copy locally for future use.
This teaching resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher in Michigan and Teach Starter Collaborator.
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