Create a tattle monster out of a tissue box for your classroom using this cute template.
Turn Off the Tattling with a Tattle Tell Monster!
Ah, the never-ending saga of classroom tattling. It’s like a never-ending game of “he said, she said” that we can’t escape. We want our students to feel comfortable coming to us with any concerns, but we also don’t want to encourage a full-blown tattle fest. It’s a delicate balance, like trying to walk on a tightrope while juggling eggs. So, how can we navigate this tricky terrain? You can always start with a Tattle Monster Box!
Recycled Tissue Boxes = A Starting Point to Managing Tattling in the Classroom
To get started on your tattle management system, always begin with a few lessons on the difference between tattling and telling. With these lessons, students learn to ask themselves:
- Is someone in danger?
- Is someone hurt?
- Is it a now or later problem?
- Am I minding my own business?
Grab these helpful resources to teach those beginning lessons;

teaching resource
Tattling vs Telling Sorting Activity
Explore the differences between “tattling” and “telling” with this hands-on sorting activity.

teaching resource
Tattling vs. Telling Worksheet
Explore the differences between “tattling” and “telling” with this simple worksheet.

teaching resource
Tattling vs. Telling Teaching Presentation
Teach your students the difference between “tattling” and “telling” with this comprehensive teaching presentation.
If an issue can wait, they write it down and put it in the tattle monster’s mouth. At the end of the day, or when you have time, discuss the issue and problem-solve together.
Download, Print, and Craft!
Click the download button to download the quick-print PDF resource file. Grab an empty tissue box, some scissors, and a glue stick. Depending on your tissue box dimensions, you may or may not have to trim a bit to size everything to fit.
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