Practice counting up to 40 and create beautiful Thanksgiving art using a set of printable Thanksgiving Connect the Dots Printables.
Connect the Dots For Thanksgiving Fun!
Are you getting ready to dive into Thanksgiving with your little ones? If so, it’s an excellent opportunity to help them understand and appreciate the blessings we have in our lives. Even at a young age, it’s essential to teach them about this special day and the values of gratitude, kindness, and generosity. By engaging children in conversations and fun activities related to Thanksgiving, we can help them become compassionate citizens who appreciate the importance of giving thanks for all that we have.
Easy Thanksgiving Connect-the-Dots Artwork
This set of Thanksgiving Connect the Dots printable worksheets is a creative and educational way to help young learners connect with the spirit of gratitude on this special day. These dot-to-dot worksheets offer a fun way for students to practice counting while discovering symbols and images representing Thanksgiving.
This resource download includes a set of three dot-to-dot printables that are perfect for your little learners to use to practise their counting skills. By counting numbers up to 40, students will slowly and surely reveal the hidden Thanksgiving Day symbol. From there, add some color, and you’ve got instant Thanksgiving Day artwork to hang up and enjoy!
Preparing Your Thanksgiving Dot-to-Dot Printables
Use the download button to download your printable Thanksgiving Day join the dots worksheets.
Need More Thanksgiving Activities?
Before you go, make sure you check out these fun preschool Thanksgiving activities too!

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Show everyone what you’re thankful for with a fun “I am Thankful” turkey hat to wear during your Thanksgiving celebrations.

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