A set of 32 food sheets to use in a pass around-style adjective activity.
Use this activity when teaching students about adjectives.
How to Complete the Activity:
- Print out the sheets and give one sheet to each students. Have students sit in a large circle with their sheet and a pencil.
- Set a timer for 1–2 minutes. The student will write only one adjective on a line to describe the food.
- When the timer goes off, all students will pass the paper to the person on their left.
- The student will write a different adjective on line 2 to describe the food.
- When the timer goes off, all students will pass the paper again to the person on their left.
- Continue in this manner until 6 different adjectives have been written on the page and sentences have been written using each of the adjectives listed.
At the end of the activity, review each sheet as a class and discuss which words were stronger than others.
This has helped my SPED students think of adjectives they normally would not use, plus it is fun! We took it a step further and used the same adjectives in an extension writing piece done on comic book paper complete with illustrations to match the narrative.
Hi Tracey, Thank you for your lovely comment. That is some great thinking there! I am so glad you are enjoying our resources.