ELAR 2.11(D)(viii)
coordinating conjunctions to form compound subjects and predicates;
- Plus Plan
Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences PowerPoint
A 23-slide editable PowerPoint template that introduces simple, compound, and complex sentences.
- Plus Plan
Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences Worksheets
Use this set of five grammar worksheets to teach about the structures of simple, compound and complex sentences.
- Plus Plan
Nouns, Proper Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs and Conjunctions Posters
Enhance student understanding of the 8 parts of speech with these colorful, informative, and easily-referenced grammar wall posters for the classroom covering nouns, verbs and more!
- Plus Plan
Subordinating Conjunctions Posters
Display this colorful and informative subordinating conjunctions poster set to remind your students of the functions and types of subordinating conjunctions!
- Plus Plan
Building Strong Sentences Teaching Presentation
Share this 15-slide teaching presentation with your students to help them understand the key grammar concepts of compound sentences,coordinating conjunctions and clauses.
- Plus Plan
Coordinating Conjunctions Task Cards
Use this set of 24 task cards to reinforce students' understanding of coordinating conjunctions and building compound sentences.
- Plus Plan
Conjunctions Spinners (Coordinating Conjunctions, Subordinating Conjunctions, Correlative Conjunctions)
Bring some fun to your grammar lessons with these colorful conjunctions spinners! Students spin to reveal a conjunction to use in their writing or oral language.
- Plus Plan
Coordinating Conjunction Word Mat
Boost your students’ writing skills by giving them access to this coordinating conjunctions word mat during language arts lessons.
- Plus Plan
Coordinating Conjunctions Worksheet
Distribute this coordinating conjunctions worksheet to help your students practice joining clauses with conjunctions to form compound sentences.
- Plus Plan
Subordinating Conjunctions (for Conditions) Interactive Activity
Use this interactive digital activity to help students identify conditional subordinating conjunctions, and construct sentences using this part of speech.
- Plus Plan
Subordinating Conjunctions Game Show Interactive Activity
Use this interactive digital activity to assist your students in practicing identifying and constructing sentences using subordinating conjunctions in a fun way!
- Plus Plan
Subordinating Conjunctions Board Game
Use this set of 24 task cards to help students practice identifying and constructing sentences using subordinating conjunctions.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Word Cards Sorting Activity
Engage your students with this parts of speech group activity where they sort 112 word cards into categories (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, coordinating conjunctions or prepositions).
- Plus Plan
Let's Build a Sentence Unit Plan
This English unit has been designed to introduce the key components of simple and compound sentences to younger students; specifically, capital letters and punctuation; verbs, nouns, adjectives, and conjunctions.
- Plus Plan
Building Compound Sentences
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify that a compound sentence is made up of two or more main clauses joined together by a conjunction.
- Plus Plan
Let's Build a Sentence
A 60 minute lesson in which students will write simple and compound sentences.