ELAR K.2(A)(ii)
recognizing spoken alliteration or groups of words that begin with the same spoken onset or initial sound;
- Plus Plan
Syllable Types and Syllable Division
Divide multisyllabic words into syllables and identify their syllable types with this Google Slides interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Onset and Rime SCOOT! Activity
Have fun building words by blending onsets and rimes using an Onset-Rime Scoot! Game.
- Plus Plan
Google Slides Interactive - Onset and Rime Activity
Form words by blending onsets and their rimes with a Google Slides interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Onset and Rime Clip Cards - Reading Center
Form words by blending onsets and rimes using an Onset-Rime Clip Card Center.
- Plus Plan
Draw and Write Final E Worksheet Pack
Provide extra practice reading, spelling, and writing final-e words with Draw and Write Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Google Interactive Activity- Reading, Spelling, and Rhyming Word Families
Build skill with word families, rhyming words, and more with a Google Slides Interactive Word Family Activity.
- Plus Plan
Google Interactive Initial S-Blends Activity
Decode and segment words by identifying the s-blend words with phonemes sp, sl, sm, sn, sc, st.
- Plus Plan
Little Alphabet Book Worksheets (A-Z)
A set of 26 worksheets to assist younger students with letter recognition and formation.
- Plus Plan
Celebrating Poetry Month in the Primary Grades - Week 3
Celebrate National Poetry Month in the primary classroom with this planning guide and set of resources.
- Plus Plan
Celebrating Poetry Month in the Primary Grades - Week 2
Celebrate National Poetry Month in the primary classroom with this planning guide and set of resources.