Math 2.6
Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to connect repeated addition and subtraction to multiplication and division situations that involve equal groupings and shares. The student is expected to:
- (1) model, create, and describe contextual multiplication situations in which
equivalent sets of concrete objects are joined; and
- (A) model, create, and describe contextual division situations in which a set of concrete objects is separated into equivalent sets.
- Plus Plan
Math Word Problem Match-Up Game - Basic Multiplication and Division
Practice reading, writing, and solving basic multiplication and division word problems with a matching activity.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication and Division - Which Operation Is It? – Interactive PowerPoint
An interactive 64-slide PowerPoint to use when learning to solve multiplication and division word problems.
- Plus Plan
Match the Arrays Worksheet Pack
Give your students practice matching arrays and multiplication facts with these math worksheets for 2nd and 3rd grade.
- Plus Plan
Equal Groups Multiplication Activity
Engage your students with a hands-on activity to practice making equal groups to represent multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Array Puzzles
Guide your students to match arrays, multiplication facts and repeated addition sentences with this set of puzzles.
- Plus Plan
Multiply Those Toys!
A fun way for students to practice using repeated addition as a way to represent multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Cover Up! - Multiplication Facts Game
Develop a love of multiplication facts with this multiplayer Valentine’s Day board game.
- Plus Plan
Open-ended Math Problem Solving - Grades 1, 2, and 3 (Task Card Version)
A set of 20 open-ended problem solving task cards covering a range of mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
Pandora's Party Palace Math Activity - Lower Level Version
16 mathematics problem solving task cards involving money in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Math Brain Teasers – Grade 2 Word Problems
Challenge your second-grade students to solve these brain teasers with a set of 24 math word problems.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Arrays Mini-Book
Teach your students about multiplication and array models with this printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Array Beanbag Toss
Engage your students with a fun, whole-class game when learning about arrays.
- Plus Plan
Drawing Arrays Worksheet Pack
Review how to draw an array with your students as they complete this worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Cut and Paste Array Worksheets
Guide your students to match arrays and multiplication facts with these cut-and-paste worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks – Multiplication Representation Task Cards
Help your students discover different ways to represent multiplication with this set of number talk cards.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication With Arrays Bingo
Review how arrays and multiplication facts are related with this whole-class Bingo game.
- Plus Plan
I Have, Who Has? – Multiplication Representations
Use this whole-class game to reinforce your students’ understanding of the different representations of multiplication.
- Free Plan
Group It Many Ways – Multiplication Activity
Promote hands-on learning with this activity, where students will practice making equal groups to represent multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication With Equal Groups Spinner Activity
Use this hands-on activity with your students and help them make equal groups to represent multiplication problems.
- Plus Plan
Array Card Kaboom!
Boost your students’ understanding of arrays and multiplication with this engaging Kaboom card game.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication With Arrays Task Cards
Practice multiplication with arrays using this set of 20 task cards in a variety of ways.
- Plus Plan
Math Warm-Ups Interactive PowerPoint - Grade 2
A PowerPoint providing a series of warm-up activities for Grade 2 students across the mathematics curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Foldout Activity
A fun way for students to practice representing multiplication in a variety of ways
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - How Many Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication and Division Work Mat
Practice multiplication and division concepts with this work mat for students.
- Plus Plan
Division Made Easy: Repeated Subtraction Strategy - Poster
A poster showing division using repeated subtraction.
- Plus Plan
Math Problem Solving Cards - Grades 2 and 3
A set of 30 problem solving questions covering a range of mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Number Sentence - Multiplication and Division
A set of 4 posters explaining the numbers involved a multiplication and division number sentence.
- Plus Plan
Open-Ended Math Problem Solving - Grades 1, 2, and 3 (PowerPoint Version)
A PowerPoint with 20 open-ended problem solving questions covering a range of mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks Teaching Resource Pack - Grade 2
A collection of number talks teaching resources that support meaningful and highly engaging conversations in the mathematics classroom.