Math 4.8(C)
solve problems that deal with measurements of length, intervals of time, liquid volumes, mass, and money using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division as appropriate.
- Plus Plan
Dot Day Multiplication and Division Color By Number
Integrate Dot Day concepts into your math lessons with printable Dot Day Multiplication and Division color-by-number worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Time Conversion Math Maze Worksheets
Convert units of time while finding your way through this set of 3 Time Conversion math mazes.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Anchor Chart - Strategies
Teach your students how to tell elapsed time with multiple strategies using a printable Elapsed Time Anchor Chart.
- Free Plan
Converting Time Units - Task Cards
Practice converting time with a handy set of free Time Unit Conversion Task Cards.
- Plus Plan
Math Bowl - Mixed Operations Word Problem Game
Score a mathematical touchdown with by solving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division word problems with an exciting football math game.
- Plus Plan
Area And Perimeter Word Problem Task Cards
Use these area and perimeter task cards in your math centers to give your students practice solving real-world word problems.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time - Math Maze Worksheets
Find start times, end times, and time elapsed to find your way through our printable Elapsed Time Math maze worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Following Directions Worksheets - Reading a Clock Review
Practice telling time to the half-hour, quarter-hour, and five-minute mark with a pack of printable Following Directions worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Interactive Word Problems Game
Practice solving elapsed time word problems with an interactive quiz game for 3rd and 4th graders.
- Plus Plan
Figuring Elapsed Time - Interactive Game
Determine the elapsed time between events and have fun with an interactive Elapsed Time game.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Riddle Worksheets
Calculate elapsed time to solve the riddles in this printable pack of elapsed time worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter and Area Poster
A poster that explains and compares the concepts of perimeter and area.
- Plus Plan
Design a Garden Math Project
Get students to design a garden with this student-centered perimeter project for 3rd and 4th grade students.
- Plus Plan
Choosing Units of Measurement Assessment
Assess your student's ability to determine appropriate units of measurement with a printable Metric Measurement Unit Test.
- Plus Plan
Reading a Tape Measure Task Cards
Practice reading a tape measure with a fun set of printable Reading a Measuring Tape task cards.
- Plus Plan
Estimating Length Game - Metric Units
Practice estimating length in metric units with this self-checking Google interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Worksheets - 3rd & 4th Grade
Practice measuring length, volume, capacity, time, and more with a printable pack of 3rd grade measurement worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Length Vocabulary Poster Pack
Explain the concept of length and review related vocabulary with a printable measurement anchor chart.
- Plus Plan
Estimating Length Task Cards
Use printable Estimating Length Task Cards to practice making estimates of length in standard and metric units.
- Plus Plan
Mixed Operations - Length Word Problems Worksheets
Solve multi-step length word problems with a printable pack of 3-act Math Word Problem Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Order Up! Elapsed Time Puzzles
Practice determining elapsed time with a printable pack of nine ‘Order Up! Elapsed Time Cut and Paste Puzzle Strips.
- Plus Plan
Tick Tock Time Conversion Task Cards
Review how to convert units of time with a pack of printable time conversion task cards.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Test
Assess your students' abilities to determine elapsed time to the whole, half, and quarter-hour with a printable Elapsed Time Test.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Conversion Worksheets - Units of Time
Use a set of printable measurement conversion worksheets to practice converting units of time.
- Plus Plan
Converting Units of Time Test Pack
Assess your students’ abilities to convert units of time with a set of differentiated time conversion tests.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Printables (Digital Clocks)
Download a pack of differentiated Elapsed Time worksheets to help your students practice finding elapsed time using digital clocks.
- Plus Plan
Converting Units of Time Match-Up Game
Convert time units, including seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months by completing a match-up activity.
- Plus Plan
Differentiated Elapsed Time Worksheets for Beginners
Download a pack of differentiated Elapsed Time worksheets to help your students learn to calculate elapsed time in hours, half hours, and minutes.
- Plus Plan
Converting Time - Worksheet Pack
Download a set of Time Conversion printable worksheets to help your students convert between minutes, hours, days and weeks.
- Plus Plan
3-Act Math Tasks - Time Conversion Worksheets
Practice problem-solving skills and time conversions with a printable pack of 3 Act Maths Task worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Converting Time Word Problems Worksheets
Develop problem solving skills set of printable multi-step time conversion worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time With Analog Clocks – Worksheets
Determine how much time has passed with this collection of elapsed time worksheets.