Math 5.4(E)
describe the meaning of parentheses and brackets in a numeric expression;
- Plus Plan
Grade 5 Daily Warm-Up – PowerPoint 4
An 84-slide PowerPoint presentation containing a variety of quick warm-up activities.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations Flipbook
Review how to solve numerical expressions using the order of operations with this printable flipbook.
- Plus Plan
Grade 5 Daily Warm-Up – PowerPoint 1
A 75-slide PowerPoint presentation containing a variety of quick warm-up activities.
- Free Plan
Order of Operations Dice Game
Practice order of operations with this set of 6 dice activity mats.
- Plus Plan
PEMDAS Anchor Chart and Bookmark Set
Use this PEMDAS anchor chart and bookmark set to remind your students about the correct order of operations.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations Math Maze
Evaluate numerical expressions using the order of operations with this math maze!
- Plus Plan
5th Grade - Order of Operations Quiz
Assess your students' ability to write and evaluate numerical expressions by using the order of operations with this 5th grade math assessment.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations – Instructional Slide Deck
Teach your students how to correctly evaluate numerical expressions by using the order of operations with this instructional slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations – Google Slides Interactive Activity
Simplify expressions by using the order of operations with this Google Slides interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Order Up! Numerical Expressions Worksheet
Solve problems by using order of operations to evaluate numerical expressions.
- Plus Plan
Writing Numerical Expressions – Digital and Printable Riddle Worksheets
Use these worksheets to match numerical expressions with different scenarios to reveal the answer to a math joke.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations Bingo
Review vocabulary and solve expressions with this Order of Operations Bingo game!
- Plus Plan
The Escape From Millbrook Manor – Halloween Escape Room
Practice computation skills by solving puzzles with this differentiated Halloween escape room game.
- Plus Plan
Writing Numerical Expressions – Google Slides Interactive Activity
Write and solve numerical expressions based on descriptions using a letter for the unknown quantity with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations Board Game
Engage your students with a lively board game while using the order of operations to solve numerical expressions.
- Plus Plan
5th Grade Algebraic Relationships Assessment
Assess student understanding of prime and composite numbers, numerical expressions, graphing numerical patterns, and more with this math assessment.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations – Mini Book
Learn how to solve equations using order of operations with this mini book.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations – Vocabulary Cards
Promote math vocabulary development with this set of 11 order and operations vocabulary cards.
- Plus Plan
Grade 5 Daily Warm-Up – PowerPoint 2
An 85-slide PowerPoint presentation containing a variety of quick warm-up activities.
- Plus Plan
Grade 5 Daily Warm-Up – PowerPoint 3
A 82-slide PowerPoint presentation containing a variety of quick warm-up activities.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Order of Operations Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 20 task cards.